struct Fingers::Config

Included Modules

Defined in:


Constant Summary

ALPHABET_MAP = {qwerty: "asdfqwerzxcvjklmiuopghtybn", "qwerty-homerow": "asdfjklgh", "qwerty-left-hand": "asdfqwerzcxv", "qwerty-right-hand": "jkluiopmyhn", azerty: "qsdfazerwxcvjklmuiopghtybn", "azerty-homerow": "qsdfjkmgh", "azerty-left-hand": "qsdfazerwxcv", "azerty-right-hand": "jklmuiophyn", qwertz: "asdfqweryxcvjkluiopmghtzbn", "qwertz-homerow": "asdfghjkl", "qwertz-left-hand": "asdfqweryxcv", "qwertz-right-hand": "jkluiopmhzn", dvorak: "aoeuqjkxpyhtnsgcrlmwvzfidb", "dvorak-homerow": "aoeuhtnsid", "dvorak-left-hand": "aoeupqjkyix", "dvorak-right-hand": "htnsgcrlmwvz", colemak: "arstqwfpzxcvneioluymdhgjbk", "colemak-homerow": "arstneiodh", "colemak-left-hand": "arstqwfpzxcv", "colemak-right-hand": "neioluymjhk"}
BUILTIN_PATTERNS = {ip: "\\d{1,3}\\.\\d{1,3}\\.\\d{1,3}\\.\\d{1,3}", uuid: "[0-9a-f]{8}-[0-9a-f]{4}-[0-9a-f]{4}-[0-9a-f]{4}-[0-9a-f]{12}", sha: "[0-9a-f]{7,128}", digit: "[0-9]{4,}", url: "((https?://|git@|git://|ssh://|ftp://|file:///)[^\\s()\"']+)", path: "(([.\\w\\-~\\$@]+)?(/[.\\w\\-@]+)+/?)", hex: "(0x[0-9a-fA-F]+)", kubernetes: "(|binding|componentstatuse|configmap|endpoint|event|limitrange|namespace|node|persistentvolumeclaim|persistentvolume|pod|podtemplate|replicationcontroller|resourcequota|secret|serviceaccount|service|||||controllerrevision.apps|daemonset.apps|deployment.apps|replicaset.apps|statefulset.apps||||||horizontalpodautoscaler.autoscaling|cronjob.batch|job.batch|||daemonset.extensions|deployment.extensions|ingress.extensions|networkpolicies.extensions|podsecuritypolicies.extensions|replicaset.extensions||poddisruptionbudget.policy|||||[[:alnum:]_#$%&+=/@-]+", "git-status": "(modified|deleted|deleted by us|new file): +(?<match>.+)", "git-status-branch": "Your branch is up to date with '(?<match>.*)'.", diff: "(---|\\+\\+\\+) [ab]/(?<match>.*)"}


Class Method Summary

Instance Method Summary

Constructor Detail

def : JSON::PullParser) #

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def : String = "F", jump_key : String = "J", keyboard_layout : String = "qwerty", alphabet : Array(String) = [] of String, patterns : Hash(String, String) = {} of String => String, main_action : String = ":copy:", ctrl_action : String = ":open:", alt_action : String = "", shift_action : String = ":paste:", hint_position : String = "left", hint_style : String = FORMAT_PRINTER.print("fg=green,bold"), highlight_style : String = FORMAT_PRINTER.print("fg=yellow"), selected_hint_style : String = FORMAT_PRINTER.print("fg=blue,bold"), selected_highlight_style : String = FORMAT_PRINTER.print("fg=blue"), backdrop_style : String = "", tmux_version : String = "3.1", show_copied_notification : String = "0", enabled_builtin_patterns : String = "all", benchmark_mode : String = "0") #

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Class Method Detail

def self.load_from_cache #

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Instance Method Detail

def alphabet : Array(String) #

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def alphabet=(alphabet : Array(String)) #

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def alt_action : String #

[View source]
def alt_action=(alt_action : String) #

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def backdrop_style : String #

[View source]
def backdrop_style=(backdrop_style : String) #

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def benchmark_mode : String #

[View source]
def benchmark_mode=(benchmark_mode : String) #

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def ctrl_action : String #

[View source]
def ctrl_action=(ctrl_action : String) #

[View source]
def enabled_builtin_patterns : String #

[View source]
def enabled_builtin_patterns=(enabled_builtin_patterns : String) #

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def highlight_style : String #

[View source]
def highlight_style=(highlight_style : String) #

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def hint_position : String #

[View source]
def hint_position=(hint_position : String) #

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def hint_style : String #

[View source]
def hint_style=(hint_style : String) #

[View source]
def jump_key : String #

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def jump_key=(jump_key : String) #

[View source]
def key : String #

[View source]
def key=(key : String) #

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def keyboard_layout : String #

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def keyboard_layout=(keyboard_layout : String) #

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def main_action : String #

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def main_action=(main_action : String) #

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def members : Array(String) #

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def patterns : Hash(String, String) #

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def patterns=(patterns : Hash(String, String)) #

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def save #

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def selected_highlight_style : String #

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def selected_highlight_style=(selected_highlight_style : String) #

[View source]
def selected_hint_style : String #

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def selected_hint_style=(selected_hint_style : String) #

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def shift_action : String #

[View source]
def shift_action=(shift_action : String) #

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def show_copied_notification : String #

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def show_copied_notification=(show_copied_notification : String) #

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def tmux_version : String #

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def tmux_version=(tmux_version : String) #

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