


You will need Crystal 1.15.0 installed. I recommend using asdf with the crystal plugin.

asdf install crystal 1.15.0

Or you can checkout this link for platform specific instructions


  1. Clone the repository
  2. Run shards install
  3. Run ./scripts/build_prod.sh
  4. You now have a release build! This can be run with ./bin/tanda_cli assuming you're in the root directory of this repository

This project doesn't currently distribute to any package managers or release any binaries. I recommend aliasing if you intend on using it outside of the repo directory

alias tanda_cli="/link/to/tanda_cli/bin/tanda_cli"


Upon running any command for the first time, you will be taken through an authentication flow where you will need to enter your username and password. The retrieved token is stored in ~/.tanda_cli/config.json (format / structure is subject to change at the moment)

See --help for a list of commands (each subcommand also accepts a --help flag)

❯ tanda_cli --help
A CLI application for people using Tanda/Workforce.com

	tanda_cli [options]

	me                  Get your own information
	personal_details    Get your personal details
	clockin             Clock in/out
	time_worked         See how many hours you‎’ve worked
	balance             Check your leave balances
	regular_hours       View or set your regular hours
	current_user        View the current user, list available users or set the current user
	refetch_token       Refetch token for the current environment
	refetch_users       Refetch users from the API and save to config
	mode                Set the mode to run commands in (production/staging/custom <url>)
	start_of_week       Set the start of the week (e.g. monday/sunday)
	help                Shows help information

	-h, --help    Shows help information


# Clock in
tanda_cli clockin start

# Set a default clockin photo to be used with clockins (can be a specific photo or directory of photos to be chosen at random)
tanda_cli clockin photo set /Users/me/Pictures/clockin_photos/my_cool_photo.png
tanda_cli clockin photo set /users/me/Pictures/clockin_photos # as a directory

# See time worked today or for the week
tanda_cli time_worked today
tanda_cli time_worked week --display # both options accept a flag to display the shifts

# Goes through each week of your roster to find your working hours (makes `time_worked` much more accurate)
tanda_cli regular_hours determine

# Displays your regular hours for the week
tanda_cli regular_hours display

# Set the mode to run commands in
tanda_cli mode production # this is the default mode
tanda_cli mode staging


API Docs


Running your changes

crystal run src/tanda_cli.cr -- <command/s>


# With debug logs enabled
crystal run src/tanda_cli.cr -- me

# Without debug logs
crystal run src/tanda_cli.cr --no-debug -- me


  1. Clone repo
  2. Implement your idea / fix bug
  3. Make a pull request
