class TandaCLI::Configuration

Included Modules

Defined in:


Constant Summary

CONFIG_DIR = "#{Path.home}/.tanda_cli"
CONFIG_PATH = "#{CONFIG_DIR}/config.json"
PRODUCTION = "production"
STAGING = "staging"


Instance Method Summary

Macros inherited from module TandaCLI::Configuration::Macros

environment_property(name) environment_property

Constructor Detail

def self.init : Configuration #

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def : JSON::PullParser) #

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def : String | Nil = nil, production : Environment =, staging : Environment =, mode : String = PRODUCTION, start_of_week : Time::DayOfWeek = Time::DayOfWeek::Monday, treat_paid_breaks_as_unpaid : Bool | Nil = false) #

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Instance Method Detail

def access_token : AccessToken #

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def access_token=(value : AccessToken) #

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def api_url : String #

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def clockin_photo_path : String | Nil #

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def clockin_photo_path=(clockin_photo_path : String | Nil) #

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def current_organisation!(*args, **options) #

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def current_organisation!(*args, **options, &) #

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def current_organisation?(*args, **options) #

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def current_organisation?(*args, **options, &) #

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def mode : String #

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def mode=(mode : String) #

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def organisations : Array(Organisation) #

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def organisations=(value : Array(Organisation)) #

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def overwrite!(site_prefix : String, email : String, access_token : Types::AccessToken) #

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def pretty_start_of_week : String #

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def reset_environment! #

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def save! #

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def site_prefix : String #

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def site_prefix=(value : String) #

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def staging? : Bool #

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def start_of_week : Time::DayOfWeek #

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def start_of_week=(value : String) : Time::DayOfWeek | Error::InvalidStartOfWeek #

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def time_zone : String | Nil #

properties that are delegated based on the current environment

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def time_zone=(value : String | Nil) #

properties that are delegated based on the current environment

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def treat_paid_breaks_as_unpaid? : Bool | Nil #

Secret manual configuration options

TODO Remove this - currently to get around annoying issue where breaks get marked as paid which doesn't work for my needs

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