class HTTP::Server::Context


Instances of this class are passed to an HTTP::Server handler.

Defined in:


Instance Method Summary

Instance Method Detail

def body : String #

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def command : String #

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def db #

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def db=(db : DB::Connection | Nil) #

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def end_request #

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def endpoint : String #

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def endpoint=(val : String) #

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def engine #

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def engine=(val : Slack::Cli::Engine) #

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def get_tokens(text : String) : Array(String) #

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def load_tokens_from_history(hist : String) #

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def local : Hash(String, String) #

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def local=(local : Hash(String, String)) #

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def log_error(msg : String) #

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def log_info(msg : String) #

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def log_warn(msg : String) #

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def params : Hash(String, String) #

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def process_body(body : String) #

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def respond(content : String) #

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def start_request(logger : ::Log) #

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def t_start : Time #

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def tokens : Array(String) #

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