struct Amber::DSL::Router
- Amber::DSL::Router
- Struct
- Value
- Object
Defined in:
amber/dsl/router.crConstant Summary
[:get, :post, :put, :patch, :delete, :options, :head, :trace, :connect]
Macro Summary
- connect(*args)
- delete(*args)
- get(*args)
- head(*args)
- namespace(scoped_namespace)
- options(*args)
- patch(*args)
- post(*args)
- put(*args)
- resources(resource, controller, only = nil, except = nil, constraints = {} of String => Regex)
- route(verb, resource, controller, action, constraints = {} of String => Regex)
- trace(*args)
Instance Method Summary
- #clone
- #copy_with(router _router = @router, valve _valve = @valve, scope _scope = @scope)
- #router : Amber::Router::Router
- #scope : Amber::Router::Scope
- #valve : Symbol
- #websocket(path, app_socket)
Constructor Detail
Macro Detail
macro resources(resource, controller, only = nil, except = nil, constraints = {} of String => Regex)
Instance Method Detail
def copy_with(router _router = @router, valve _valve = @valve, scope _scope = @scope)