class LA::SubMatrix(T)


it's like Slice, but for matrices. made class not struct to avoid compilation issues

Defined in:



Instance Method Summary

Instance methods inherited from class LA::Matrix(T)

*(k : Number)
*(k : Complex)
*(m : Matrix(T))
, **(other : Int) **, +(k : Number)
+(k : Complex)
+(m : Matrix(T))
, -(k : Number | Complex)
-(m : Matrix(T))
, /(k : Number | Complex) /, ==(other) ==, [](i : Int32, j : Int32)
[](arows : Range(Int32 | Nil, Int32 | Nil), acolumns : Range(Int32 | Nil, Int32 | Nil))
[](row : Int32, acolumns : Range(Int32 | Nil, Int32 | Nil))
[](arows : Range(Int32 | Nil, Int32 | Nil), column : Int32)
, []=(i : Int32, j : Int32, value)
[]=(arows : Range(Int32, Int32), acolumns : Range(Int32, Int32), value)
[]=(row : Int32, acolumns : Range(Int32, Int32), value)
[]=(nrows : Range(Int32, Int32), column : Int32, value)
, abs(kind : MatrixNorm = MatrixNorm::Frobenius) abs, add!(k : Number, m : Matrix)
, add_mult(a, b : Matrix(T), *, alpha = 1.0, beta = 1.0) add_mult, almost_eq(other : Matrix(T), eps)
almost_eq(other : Matrix(T))
, assume!(flag : MatrixFlags, value : Bool = true) assume!, balance(*, permute = true, scale = true, separate = false) balance, balance!(*, permute = true, scale = true, separate = false) balance!, cat(other : Matrix(T), axis : Axis) cat, cho_solve(b : self, *, overwrite_b = false) cho_solve, cholesky(*, lower = false, dont_clean = false) cholesky, cholesky!(*, lower = false, dont_clean = false) cholesky!, chop(eps = self.tolerance) chop, clear_flags clear_flags, columns columns, conjt conjt, conjt! conjt!, conjtranspose conjtranspose, coshm coshm, cosm cosm, det(*, overwrite_a = false) det, detect(aflags : MatrixFlags = MatrixFlags::All, eps = tolerance) detect, detect?(aflags : MatrixFlags = MatrixFlags::All, eps = tolerance) detect?, diag(offset = 0) diag, each(*, all = false, &) each, each_index(*, all = false, &) each_index, each_with_index(*, all = false, &) each_with_index, eigs(*, left = false, overwrite_a = false)
eigs(*, need_left : Bool, need_right : Bool, overwrite_a = false)
eigs(*, b : Matrix(T), need_left : Bool, need_right : Bool, overwrite_a = false, overwrite_b = false)
, eigvals(*, overwrite_a = false) eigvals, expm(*, schur_fact = false) expm, expm_sqtri(t, f, s) expm_sqtri, flags : MatrixFlags flags, flags=(value : MatrixFlags) flags=, hcat(other) hcat, hessenberg
hessenberg(*, calc_q = false)
, hessenberg!
hessenberg!(*, calc_q = false)
, inspect(io) inspect, inv inv, inv! inv!, kron(b : Matrix(T)) kron, lq(*, overwrite_a = false) lq, lq_r(*, overwrite_a = false) lq_r, lstsq(b : self, method : LSMethod = LSMethod::Auto, *, overwrite_a = false, overwrite_b = false, cond = -1) lstsq, lu(*, overwrite_a = false) lu, lu_factor lu_factor, lu_factor! lu_factor!, map(&) map, map!(&) map!, map_with_index(&) map_with_index, map_with_index!(&) map_with_index!, max(axis : Axis) max, min(axis : Axis) min, ncolumns : Int32 ncolumns, norm(kind : MatrixNorm = MatrixNorm::Frobenius) norm, nrows : Int32 nrows, product(axis : Axis) product, ql(*, overwrite_a = false) ql, ql_r(*, overwrite_a = false) ql_r, qr(*, overwrite_a = false, pivoting = false) qr, qr_r(*, overwrite_a = false, pivoting = false) qr_r, qr_raw(*, overwrite_a = false, pivoting = false) qr_raw, qz(b, overwrite_a = false, overwrite_b = false) qz, rank(eps = self.tolerance, *, method : RankMethod = RankMethod::SVD, overwrite_a = false) rank, reduce(axis : Axis, initial, &) reduce, repmat(arows, acolumns) repmat, rows rows, rq(*, overwrite_a = false) rq, rq_r(*, overwrite_a = false) rq_r, save_csv(filename) save_csv, scale!(k : Number | Complex) scale!, schur(*, overwrite_a = false) schur, sinhm sinhm, sinm sinm, size size, solve(b : self, *, overwrite_a = false, overwrite_b = false) solve, solvels(b : self, *, overwrite_a = false, overwrite_b = false, cond = -1) solvels, square? square?, sum(axis : Axis) sum, svd(*, overwrite_a = false) svd, svdvals(*, overwrite_a = false) svdvals, t t, t! t!, tanhm tanhm, tanm tanm, to_custom(io, prefix, columns_separator, rows_separator, postfix) to_custom, to_general to_general, to_imag to_imag, to_matlab(io)
, to_real to_real, to_s(io) to_s, to_unsafe to_unsafe, tolerance tolerance, tr_mult!(a : Matrix(T), *, alpha = 1.0, left = false) tr_mult!, trace trace, transpose transpose, tril(k = 0) tril, tril!(k = 0) tril!, triu(k = 0) triu, triu!(k = 0) triu!, vcat(other) vcat

Class methods inherited from class LA::Matrix(T)

arange(start_val : T, end_val : T, delta = 1.0) arange, block_diag(*args) block_diag, circulant(c) circulant, column(values) column, companion(a) companion, dft(n, scale : DFTScale = DFTScale::None) dft, diag(nrows, ncolumns, value : Number | Complex)
diag(nrows, ncolumns, values)
diag(nrows, ncolumns, &)
, eye(n) eye, from_custom(io, prefix, columns_separator, rows_separator, postfix) from_custom, from_matlab(s) from_matlab, hadamard(n) hadamard, hankel(column : Indexable | Matrix, row : Indexable | Matrix | Nil = nil) hankel, helmert(n, full = false) helmert, hilbert(n) hilbert, identity(n) identity, invpascal(n, kind : PascalKind = PascalKind::Symmetric) invpascal, kron(a, b) kron, leslie(f, s) leslie, load_csv(filename) load_csv, multiplicative_identity multiplicative_identity, ones(nrows, ncolumns) ones, pascal(n, kind : PascalKind = PascalKind::Symmetric) pascal, rand(nrows, ncolumns, rng = Random::DEFAULT) rand, repmat(a : Matrix(T), nrows, ncolumns) repmat, row(values) row, toeplitz(column : Indexable | Matrix, row : Indexable | Matrix | Nil = nil) toeplitz, tri(nrows, ncolumns, k = 0) tri, zero zero, zeros(nrows, ncolumns) zeros

Macros inherited from class LA::Matrix(T)

blas(storage, name, *args) blas, lapack(name, *args, worksize = nil) lapack, lapack_util(name, worksize, *args) lapack_util

Instance methods inherited from module Enumerable(T)

product(initial : Complex)
product(initial : Complex, &)

Constructor Detail

def : Matrix(T), offset : RowColumn, size : RowColumn) #

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Instance Method Detail

def clone #

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def conjtranspose! #

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def dup #
Description copied from class Reference

Returns a shallow copy of this object.

This allocates a new object and copies the contents of self into it.

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def flags : MatrixFlags #

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def flags=(value : MatrixFlags) #

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def ncolumns : Int32 #

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def nrows : Int32 #

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def offset #

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def transpose! #

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def unsafe_fetch(x, y) #

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def unsafe_set(x, y, value) #

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