abstract class Spectator::Mocks::Double


Arbitrary type used as a stand-in for a real object. Doubles are recommended where duck-typing is used. See #define for details regarding how to use this type.

Included Modules

Extended Modules

Defined in:



Macro Summary

Instance Method Summary

Macros inherited from module Spectator::Mocks::Stubbable

stub(method) stub

Constructor Detail

def self.new(name = nil) #

Creates a new double with an optional name.

def self.new(name = nil, **value_stubs) #

Creates a new double with initial stubs.

The name can be anything or nil for an anonymous double. Specify default stubs by passing keyword arguments. Each keyword is the name of a method to stub and its value is the value returned by that method.

MyDouble.new(:fake, some_method: 42, another_method: "foo")

def self.unsafe_construct(address : Pointer, *args, **opts) : self #

Macro Detail

macro def_define_double(name, *, type = nil) #

Defines a macro to define a double. This is a workaround for the DSL methods regarding visibility modifiers. A type defined by a nested macro loses its visibility modifier from the outer macro invocation. This is probably a bug in the compiler, but working around for now. The workaround is to reuse the macro definition code here and in the DSL.

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macro define(name, *stubs, **named_stubs, &block) #

Defines a double type. The new type is a sub-class of Double. All methods are stubbable.

The name argument is the new type to define. A simple double with no specific methods can be defined with:

Double.define MyDouble
dbl = MyDouble.new

Simple stubs can be defined via stubs. Each element should be an assignment or type declaration. For instance:

Double.define MyDouble,
  some_method1 : Int32,
  some_method2 : Int32 = 42,
  some_method3 = 42
MyDouble.new.method2 # => 42

In the example above, 3 methods are defined. Each return an Int32, but the last two will return 42 by default. The first method will raise UnexpectedMessage unless it is stubbed. All methods will accept any arguments and an optional block.

More complex methods can be defined with a block.

Double.define(MyDouble) do
  def label(arg)
    "Value: #{arg}"
MyDouble.new.label(42) # => "Value: 42"

The contents of a method will be used as the default behavior.

Simple and complex methods can be mixed.

Double.define(MyDouble, some_method1 = 42) do
  def label(arg)
    "Value: #{arg}"

The contents of the block are dumped as-is into the class body of the double. This allows for more complex behavior if needed.

Double.define(MyDouble) do
  getter accumulator = 0

  def add(amount)
    @accumulator += amount

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Instance Method Detail

def !=(other) #
Description copied from class Object

Returns true if this object is not equal to other.

By default this method is implemented as !(self == other) so there's no need to override this unless there's a more efficient way to do it.

def !~(other) #
Description copied from class Object

Shortcut to !(self =~ other).

def ==(other : self) #
Description copied from class Reference

Returns true if this reference is the same as other. Invokes #same?.

def ==(other) #
Description copied from class Reference

Returns false (other can only be a Value here).

def ===(other) #
Description copied from class Object

Case equality.

The #=== method is used in a case ... when ... end expression.

For example, this code:

case value
when x
  # something when x
when y
  # something when y

Is equivalent to this code:

if x === value
  # something when x
elsif y === value
  # something when y

Object simply implements #=== by invoking #==, but subclasses (notably Regex) can override it to provide meaningful case-equality semantics.

def =~(other) #
Description copied from class Object

Pattern match.

Overridden by descendants (notably Regex and String) to provide meaningful pattern-match semantics.

def as_null_object #

Creates a null object wrapper for the current double.

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def dup #
Description copied from class Reference

Returns a shallow copy of this object.

This allocates a new object and copies the contents of self into it.

def hash(hasher) #
Description copied from class Reference

See Object#hash(hasher)

def hash #
Description copied from class Object

Generates an UInt64 hash value for this object.

This method must have the property that a == b implies a.hash == b.hash.

The hash value is used along with #== by the Hash class to determine if two objects reference the same hash key.

Subclasses must not override this method. Instead, they must define #hash(hasher), though usually the macro def_hash can be used to generate this method.

def in?(collection : Object) : Bool #
Description copied from class Object

Returns true if self is included in the collection argument.

10.in?(0..100)     # => true
10.in?({0, 1, 10}) # => true
10.in?(0, 1, 10)   # => true
10.in?(:foo, :bar) # => false

def in?(*values : Object) : Bool #
Description copied from class Object

Returns true if self is included in the collection argument.

10.in?(0..100)     # => true
10.in?({0, 1, 10}) # => true
10.in?(0, 1, 10)   # => true
10.in?(:foo, :bar) # => false

def inspect(io : IO) : Nil #
Description copied from class Reference

Appends a String representation of this object which includes its class name, its object address and the values of all instance variables.

class Person
  def initialize(@name : String, @age : Int32)

Person.new("John", 32).inspect # => #<Person:0x10fd31f20 @name="John", @age=32>

def inspect : String #
Description copied from class Object

Returns an unambiguous and information-rich string representation of this object, typically intended for developers.

This method should usually not be overridden. It delegates to #inspect(IO) which can be overridden for custom implementations.

Also see #to_s.

def itself #
Description copied from class Object

Returns self.

str = "hello"
str.itself.object_id == str.object_id # => true

def not_nil!(message) #
Description copied from class Object

Returns self.

Nil overrides this method and raises NilAssertionError, see Nil#not_nil!.

This method can be used to remove Nil from a union type. However, it should be avoided if possible and is often considered a code smell. Usually, you can write code in a way that the compiler can safely exclude Nil types, for example using if var. #not_nil! is only meant as a last resort when there's no other way to explain this to the compiler. Either way, consider instead raising a concrete exception with a descriptive message.

message has no effect. It is only used by Nil#not_nil!(message = nil).

def not_nil! #
Description copied from class Object

Returns self.

Nil overrides this method and raises NilAssertionError, see Nil#not_nil!.

This method can be used to remove Nil from a union type. However, it should be avoided if possible and is often considered a code smell. Usually, you can write code in a way that the compiler can safely exclude Nil types, for example using if var. #not_nil! is only meant as a last resort when there's no other way to explain this to the compiler. Either way, consider instead raising a concrete exception with a descriptive message.

def pretty_inspect(width = 79, newline = "\n", indent = 0) : String #
Description copied from class Object

Returns a pretty printed version of self.

def pretty_print(pp : PrettyPrint) : Nil #
Description copied from class Object

Pretty prints self into the given printer.

By default appends a text that is the result of invoking #inspect on self. Subclasses should override for custom pretty printing.

def pretty_print(pp) : Nil #

def same?(other : Reference) : Bool #
Description copied from class Reference

Returns true if this reference is the same as other. This is only true if this reference's object_id is the same as other's.

def same?(other : Nil) #
Description copied from class Reference

Returns false: a reference is never nil.

def tap(&) #
Description copied from class Object

Yields self to the block, and then returns self.

The primary purpose of this method is to "tap into" a method chain, in order to perform operations on intermediate results within the chain.

(1..10).tap { |x| puts "original: #{x.inspect}" }
  .to_a.tap { |x| puts "array: #{x.inspect}" }
  .select { |x| x % 2 == 0 }.tap { |x| puts "evens: #{x.inspect}" }
  .map { |x| x*x }.tap { |x| puts "squares: #{x.inspect}" }

def to_s(io : IO) : Nil #

Constructs a string representation of the double.

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def to_s : String #
Description copied from class Object

Returns a nicely readable and concise string representation of this object, typically intended for users.

This method should usually not be overridden. It delegates to #to_s(IO) which can be overridden for custom implementations.

Also see #inspect.

def try(&) #
Description copied from class Object

Yields self. Nil overrides this method and doesn't yield.

This method is useful for dealing with nilable types, to safely perform operations only when the value is not nil.

# First program argument in downcase, or nil
ARGV[0]?.try &.downcase

def unsafe_as(type : T.class) forall T #
Description copied from class Object

Unsafely reinterprets the bytes of an object as being of another type.

This method is useful to treat a type that is represented as a chunk of bytes as another type where those bytes convey useful information. As an example, you can check the individual bytes of an Int32:

0x01020304.unsafe_as(StaticArray(UInt8, 4)) # => StaticArray[4, 3, 2, 1]

Or treat the bytes of a Float64 as an Int64:

1.234_f64.unsafe_as(Int64) # => 4608236261112822104

This method is unsafe because it behaves unpredictably when the given type doesn't have the same bytesize as the receiver, or when the given type representation doesn't semantically match the underlying bytes.

Also note that because #unsafe_as is a regular method, unlike the pseudo-method as, you can't specify some types in the type grammar using a short notation, so specifying a static array must always be done as StaticArray(T, N), a tuple as Tuple(...) and so on, never as UInt8[4] or {Int32, Int32}.