class Kemal::Handler


Kemal::Handler is a subclass of HTTP::Handler.

It adds only, #only_match?, exclude, #exclude_match?. These methods are useful for the conditional execution of custom handlers .

Included Modules

Defined in:


Instance Method Summary

Macro Summary

Instance Method Detail

def call(context : HTTP::Server::Context) #

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def exclude_match?(env : HTTP::Server::Context) #

Processes the path based on exclude paths which is a Array(String). If the path is not found on exclude conditions the handler will continue processing. If the path is found in exclude conditions it'll stop processing and will pass the request to next handler.

However this is not done automatically. All handlers must inherit from Kemal::Handler.

class ExcludeHandler < Kemal::Handler
  exclude ["/"]

  def call(env)
    return call_next(env) if exclude_match?(env)
    puts "If the path is not / i will be doing some processing here."

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def only_match?(env : HTTP::Server::Context) #

Processes the path based on only paths which is a Array(String). If the path is not found on only conditions the handler will continue processing. If the path is found in only conditions it'll stop processing and will pass the request to next handler.

However this is not done automatically. All handlers must inherit from Kemal::Handler.

class OnlyHandler < Kemal::Handler
  only ["/"]

  def call(env)
    return call_next(env) unless only_match?(env)
    puts "If the path is / i will be doing some processing here."

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Macro Detail

macro exclude(paths, method = "GET") #

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macro only(paths, method = "GET") #

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