struct Syn::Core::Future(T)


An object that will eventually hold a value.

Can be used to ask an Agent to compute a value asynchronously, while the current fiber continues to do other things, yet be able to retrieve or wait until the value is available.

TODO report a failure (with an optional exception)

Defined in:



Instance Method Summary

Constructor Detail

def #

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Instance Method Detail

def fail(error : Exception | String | Nil = nil) : Nil #

Report a failure when trying to resolve the future. Wakes up pending fibers.

TODO raise if the future has already been resolved

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def get(timeout : Time::Span) : T | Nil #

Blocks the current fiber until the value is resolved or timeout is reached, in which case it returns nil.

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def get : T #

Blocks the current fiber until the value is resolved.

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def get? : T | Nil #

Returns the value if it was resolved. Returns nil otherwise without blocking. Raises an exception if the future has failed.

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def set(value : T) : T #

Sets the value and wakes up pending fibers.

TODO raise if the future has already been resolved

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