abstract class Promise(Input)

Direct Known Subclasses

Defined in:


Class Method Summary

Macro Summary

Instance Method Summary

Instance methods inherited from class Object

__check_for_promise__ __check_for_promise__

Macros inherited from class Object

__check_if_promise__ __check_if_promise__

Class Method Detail

def self.all(promises) #

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def self.all(*promises) #

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def self.defer(same_thread = false, timeout = nil, &block : -> _) #

Execute code in the next tick of the event loop and return a promise for obtaining the value

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def self.map(collection : Enumerable(T), same_thread = false, &block : T -> V) forall T, V #

Asynchronously map an Enumerable

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def self.race(promises) #

returns the first promise to either reject or complete

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def self.race(*promises) #

returns the first promise to either reject or complete

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def self.resolve(value) #

Returns a resolved promise of the type passed

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def self.timeout(promise : Promise, time : Time::Span) #

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Macro Detail

macro collective_action(name, &block) #

this drys up the code dealing with splats and enumerables

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macro new(type, timeout = nil) #

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macro reject(type, reason) #

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Instance Method Detail

def catch(&errback : Exception -> _) #

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def finally(&callback : Exception | Nil -> _) #

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abstract def then : DeferredPromise(Nil) #

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abstract def type : Class #

Interfaces available to generic types

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