abstract struct IPAddress::Prefix


IPAddress::Prefix is the parent class for IPAddress::Prefix32 and IPAddress::Prefix128, defining some methods in common for both the subclasses.

Included Modules

Direct Known Subclasses

Defined in:



Instance Method Summary

Constructor Detail

def self.new(prefix : Int) #

Creates a new general prefix.

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Instance Method Detail

def +(other : Prefix) : Int #

Returns the sums of two prefixes.

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def +(other : Int) : Int #

Returns the sum of #prefix and an other.

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def -(other : Prefix) : Int #

Returns the difference between two prefixes.

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def -(other : Int) : Int #

Returns the difference between #prefix and an other.

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def <=>(other : Prefix) #

Compares the prefixes.

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def <=>(other : Int) #

Compares the prefixes.

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def hash(hasher) #

Returns the #prefix.

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def pred : Prefix #

Returns the predecessor to the #prefix.

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def prefix : Int32 #

Returns IP prefix value.

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def succ : Prefix #

Returns the successor to the #prefix.

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def to_i : Int32 #

Returns the #prefix.

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def to_s(io : IO) #

Appends a string representation of the prefix to the given IO object.

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