struct Inotify::Event


Represents an inotify_event structure.

Defined in:



Instance Method Summary

Constructor Detail

def : String | Nil, path : String | Nil, mask : UInt32, cookie : UInt32, wd : Int32) #

Creates a new event.

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Instance Method Detail

def cookie : UInt32 #

Is a unique integer that connects related events.

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def cookie=(cookie : UInt32) #

Is a unique integer that connects related events.

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def directory? #

Returns if the event occurred against a directory.

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def mask : UInt32 #

Contains bits that describe the event that occurred.

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def mask=(mask : UInt32) #

Contains bits that describe the event that occurred.

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def name : String | Nil #

Name of the file or directory that triggered the event. Always nil if #wd is associated with a file.

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def name=(name : String | Nil) #

Name of the file or directory that triggered the event. Always nil if #wd is associated with a file.

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def path : String | Nil #

Watched path this event occurred against, may be nil if we don't have the associated WatchInfo.

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def path=(path : String | Nil) #

Watched path this event occurred against, may be nil if we don't have the associated WatchInfo.

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def type : Type #

Type of the event.

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def type_is?(bits) #

Returns whether the bits are set in #mask. Can be used with constants in LibInotify. Useful when #type is UNKNOWN.

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def wd : Int32 #

Watch descriptor wd identifies the watch for which this event occurred.

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