This is a web app written in Crystal for importing bank data into YNAB. It supports importing from banks supported by Nordigen.

Build requirements


To quickly compile the server for testing/development, run:

$ shards build

The same can be accomplished with task build, or just task. The taskfile contains other useful task:


Create an .env file by copying .env.example and filling in the relevant values.

To create Google OAuth credentials, go to Google Cloud Console and create a project for the app. Visit "Credentials" and create an OAuth client ID. The /auth/callback URL of your N2Y instance should be added to "Authorized redirect URIs", and the "People API" should be enabled for the project.

Create credentials for Nordigen (recently acquired by GoCardless) by going to https://manage.gocardless.com/sign-in and click on the link next to "Looking for Bank Account Data (formerly Nordigen)?". Once logged in, go to Project > User secrets and create a new secret_id/secret pair, and add them to the .env file.

Finally, create OAuth credentials for YNAB by logging into your account, go to Account Settings > Developer Settings and adding a new OAuth application. As for Google, auth/ynab/callback should be added to Redirect URI(s), and the client_id/secret should be added to the .env file.

You can also add a SENTRY_DSN to the .env file to track errors in Sentry.io

Finally, run the server:

$ ./bin/server


Visit the app (default http://localhost:3000), authenticate using Google and go from there.



  1. Fork it (https://github.com/xendk/n2y/fork)
  2. Create your feature branch (git checkout -b my-new-feature)
  3. Commit your changes (git commit -am 'Add some feature')
  4. Push to the branch (git push origin my-new-feature)
  5. Create a new Pull Request
