struct CSUUID


This struct wraps up a UUID that encodes a timestamp measured as seconds from the epoch (0001-01-01 00:00:00.0 UTC) observed at the location where the timestamp was generated, plus nanoseconds in the current second, plus 6 bytes for unique identification of the source -- this could be an IPV4 address with two null bytes, a MAC address, or some other sequence that will fit in 6 bytes.

Nanoseconds will fit in an Int32 (4 bytes), but seconds since the epoch will not. The current number of seconds leaks a short distance into a 5th byte, meaning that in this class, it has to be represented by an Int64. This is problematic because a UID allows for 16 bytes, so the use of 8 for seconds and 4 for nanoseconds leaves only 4 bytes for system identification. It also leaves three bytes in the UUID as zeros because 8 bytes for seconds is a lot of seconds.

One solution is to combine the seconds and the nanoseconds into a single Int64 number. This requires math operations to do efficiently: (seconds * 1000000000) + nanoseconds and then more math to extract the original numbers in order to reconstruct the original timestamp. This leaves 8 bytes for identification or other uniqueness information, which is lovely, but the math requirement is less lovely.

The other options is to truncate 2 bytes off of the seconds, storing 6 bytes of seconds data. This leaves 6 bytes for identification.

The current implementation chose option #2, as it is less work to generate a UUID if math is not involved.

| nanoseconds |     seconds     | identifier |
|    0..3     |      4..10      |   11..15   |

Defined in:

Constant Summary

VERSION = "0.2.5"


Class Method Summary

Instance Method Summary

Constructor Detail

def : Int64, nanoseconds : Int32, identifier : Slice(UInt8) | String | Nil = nil) #

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def : String) #

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def : UUID | CSUUID) #

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def : Time, identifier : Slice(UInt8) | String | Nil = nil) #

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def : Slice(UInt8) | String | Nil = nil) #

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Class Method Detail

def self.generate(count) #

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def self.unique #

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Instance Method Detail

def <(other : CSUUID) : Bool #

Returns true if self is less than other.

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def <=(other : CSUUID) : Bool #

Returns true if self is less than or equal to other.

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def <=>(val) #

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def >(other : CSUUID) : Bool #

Returns true if self is greater than other.

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def >=(other : CSUUID) : Bool #

Returns true if self is greater than or equal to other.

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def seconds_and_nanoseconds : Tuple(Int64, Int32) #

This returns a tuple containing the seconds since the epoch as well as the nanoseconds in the current second for the UUID.

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def timestamp : Time #

Return a Time object representing the timestamp encoded into the UUID as local time.

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def to_s(io : IO) : Nil #

Return the String representation of the UUID.

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def utc : Time #

Return a Time object representing the timestamp encoded into the UUID as UTC time.

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