class Pod::Config::Container
- Pod::Config::Container
- Reference
- Object
Included Modules
- JSON::Serializable
- Pod::Config::MultiSerializable
- YAML::Serializable
- YAML::Serializable::Strict
Direct Known Subclasses
Defined in:
- .new(ctx : YAML::ParseContext, node : YAML::Nodes::Node)
- .new(name : String, image : String)
- .new(pull : JSON::PullParser)
Instance Method Summary
- #apply_overrides!(detached : Bool | Nil = nil, remote : String | Nil = nil, image : String | Nil = nil, name : String | Nil = nil, autoremove : Bool | Nil = nil, entrypoint : YAML::Any | Nil = nil)
- #args : Array(YAML::Any)
- #autoremove : Bool
- #bind_mounts : Hash(String, String)
- #entrypoint : YAML::Any | Nil
- #environment : Hash(String, String)
#flags : Pod::Config::KVMapping(String, YAML::Any)
for the container
- #health : HealthConfig | Nil
- #image : String
#interactive : Bool
options that set other options
- #labels : Hash(String, YAML::Any)
- #name : String
- #network : String | Array(String)
- #pod_hash(args)
#podman_flags : Pod::Config::KVMapping(String, YAML::Any)
for podman
- #ports : Hash(Int32, String)
#pull_latest : Bool
convenience opts
- #remote : String | Nil
- #run_flags : Pod::Config::KVMapping(String, YAML::Any)
- #secrets : Hash(String, Pod::Config::Container::SecretConfig)
- #to_command(cmd_args : Enumerable(String) | Nil, include_hash = true)
- #volumes : Hash(String, String)