abstract class Scar::Action


Base class for one-off actions

Sample usage:

class MyAction < Scar::Action
  def completed?(dt)
    true # This action completes instantly

  def on_start
    puts "MyAction start!"

  def on_end
    puts "MyAction end!"

# Somewhere in your application
app.act MyAction.new

# Output:
# MyAction start!
# MyAction end!

Direct Known Subclasses

Defined in:


Instance Method Summary

Instance Method Detail

def completed?(dt : Float32) #

Should return true as soon as the action has finished

This method is called on each frame with the delta time as an argument. #on_end is called after this method returns true. By default, an action completes immediately.

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def on_end #

This method is called immediately after #completed? returned true on a frame

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def on_start #

This method is called immediately after the action was activated via Scar::App#act

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