class Tag



Included Modules

Extended Modules

Direct Known Subclasses

Defined in:


Class Method Summary

Instance Method Summary

Instance methods inherited from module Ktistec::Model::Polymorphic

as_a(as _as : T.class) : T forall T as_a, type : String type, type=(type : String) type=

Macros inherited from module Ktistec::Model::Polymorphic

find(_id id, *, as _as)
find(*, as _as, **options)

Instance methods inherited from module Ktistec::Model::Common

created_at : Time created_at, created_at=(created_at : Time) created_at=, updated_at : Time updated_at, updated_at=(updated_at : Time) updated_at=

Instance methods inherited from module Ktistec::Model

==(other : self)
, _run_validations _run_validations, _save_model(skip_validation = false) _save_model, _serialize_graph(nodes, association = nil, index = nil, skip_associated = false) _serialize_graph, assign(properties : Hash(String, Any), *, _strict : Bool = false) forall Any
assign(*, _strict : Bool = false, **properties)
, changed!(*properties : Symbol) changed!, changed?
changed?(*properties : Symbol)
, clear!
clear!(*properties : Symbol)
, destroy destroy, destroyed? destroyed?, errors errors, hash(hasher) hash, id : Int64 | Nil id, id=(id : Int64 | Nil) id=, inspect(io : IO) inspect, new_record? new_record?, reload! reload!, save(skip_validation = false, skip_associated = false) save, serialize_graph(skip_associated = false) serialize_graph, table_name table_name, to_h to_h, to_json(json : JSON::Builder) to_json, to_s(io : IO) to_s, update_property(property, value) update_property, valid?(skip_associated = false) valid?, validate(skip_associated = false) validate

Constructor methods inherited from module Ktistec::Model

new(properties : Hash(String, Any), *, _strict : Bool = false) forall Any
new(*, _strict : Bool = false, **properties)

Macros inherited from module Ktistec::Model

belongs_to(name, primary_key = id, foreign_key = nil, class_name = nil, inverse_of = nil) belongs_to, derived(decl, *, aliased_to) derived, has_many(name, primary_key = id, foreign_key = nil, class_name = nil, inverse_of = nil) has_many, has_one(name, primary_key = id, foreign_key = nil, class_name = nil, inverse_of = nil) has_one, validates(property, &block) validates

Class Method Detail

def self.cache #

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def self.cache=(cache : Set(Tag::CacheEntry)) #

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def self.match(prefix, limit = 1) #

Matches on tag prefix.

Returns results ordered by number of occurrences.

Count is intentionally not adjusted for subjects that are deleted, blocked, etc. making the value unsuitable for presentation, in most cases.

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def self.short_type #

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Instance Method Detail

def after_create #

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def after_destroy #

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def href : String | Nil #

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def href=(href : String | Nil) #

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def name : String #

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def name=(name : String) #

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def short_type #

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def subject_iri : String #

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def subject_iri=(subject_iri : String) #

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