class Relationship::Content::Follow::Thread
- Relationship::Content::Follow::Thread
- Relationship
- Reference
- Object
Included Modules
- School::DomainType
Defined in:
Class Method Summary
Finds an existing relationship or instantiates a new relationship.
Finds an existing relationship or instantiates a new relationship.
.merge_into(from, into)
Merges relationships.
Instance Method Summary
- #_association_actor
Identifies objects that are part of a thread.
- #_belongs_to_setter_for_actor(actor_ : ActivityPub::Actor, update_associations = true) : ActivityPub::Actor
- #actor(include_deleted : Bool = false, include_undone : Bool = false) : ActivityPub::Actor
- #actor=(actor_ : ActivityPub::Actor) : ActivityPub::Actor
- #actor?(include_deleted : Bool = false, include_undone : Bool = false) : ActivityPub::Actor | Nil
#thread : String
Identifies objects that are part of a thread.
#thread=(thread : String) : String
Identifies objects that are part of a thread.
Instance methods inherited from class Relationship
confirmed : Bool
confirmed=(confirmed : Bool)
from_iri : String
from_iri=(from_iri : String)
to_iri : String
to_iri=(to_iri : String)
visible : Bool
visible=(visible : Bool)
Instance methods inherited from module Ktistec::Model::Polymorphic
as_a(as _as : T.class) : T forall T
type : String
type=(type : String)
Macros inherited from module Ktistec::Model::Polymorphic
find(_id id, *, as _as)find(*, as _as, **options) find
Instance methods inherited from module Ktistec::Model::Common
created_at : Time
created_at=(created_at : Time)
updated_at : Time
updated_at=(updated_at : Time)
Instance methods inherited from module Ktistec::Model
==(other : self)==(other) ==, _run_validations _run_validations, _save_model(skip_validation = false) _save_model, _serialize_graph(nodes, association = nil, index = nil, skip_associated = false) _serialize_graph, assign(properties : Hash(String, Any), *, _strict : Bool = false) forall Any
assign(*, _strict : Bool = false, **properties) assign, changed!(*properties : Symbol) changed!, changed?
changed?(*properties : Symbol) changed?, clear!
clear!(*properties : Symbol) clear!, destroy destroy, destroyed? destroyed?, errors errors, hash(hasher) hash, id : Int64 | Nil id, id=(id : Int64 | Nil) id=, inspect(io : IO) inspect, new_record? new_record?, reload! reload!, save(skip_validation = false, skip_associated = false) save, serialize_graph(skip_associated = false) serialize_graph, table_name table_name, to_h to_h, to_json(json : JSON::Builder) to_json, to_s(io : IO) to_s, update_property(property, value) update_property, valid?(skip_associated = false) valid?, validate(skip_associated = false) validate
Constructor methods inherited from module Ktistec::Model
new(properties : Hash(String, Any), *, _strict : Bool = false) forall Anynew(*, _strict : Bool = false, **properties) new
Macros inherited from module Ktistec::Model
belongs_to(name, primary_key = id, foreign_key = nil, class_name = nil, inverse_of = nil)
derived(decl, *, aliased_to)
has_many(name, primary_key = id, foreign_key = nil, class_name = nil, inverse_of = nil)
has_one(name, primary_key = id, foreign_key = nil, class_name = nil, inverse_of = nil)
validates(property, &block)
Class Method Detail
Finds an existing relationship or instantiates a new relationship.
If #thread
(or to_iri
) is passed as an option, search for
the root of the thread, and use that value. This ensures
that new relationships always point at roots.
Finds an existing relationship or instantiates a new relationship.
If #thread
(or to_iri
) is passed as an option, search for
the root of the thread, and use that value. This ensures
that new relationships always point at roots.
Merges relationships.
Should be used in places where an object's thread property is changed. Ensures that only one relationship exists for a thread.
Instance Method Detail
Identifies objects that are part of a thread.
Has the form of an IRI but is not meant to be directly dereferenceable.
Identifies objects that are part of a thread.
Has the form of an IRI but is not meant to be directly dereferenceable.
Identifies objects that are part of a thread.
Has the form of an IRI but is not meant to be directly dereferenceable.