abstract class Ishi::Base


Supported methods.

Direct Known Subclasses

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Instance Method Summary

Instance Method Detail

def canvas_size(width : Float64, height : Float64) #

Sets the size of the terminal canvas.

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def canvas_size(width : Int32, height : Int32) #

Sets the size of the terminal canvas.

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def charts(rows : Int32, cols : Int32) #

Changes the number of charts in the figure.

By default a figure has one chart. This call changes the number of charts in the figure. The original chart is preserved and becomes the chart in the first row, first column of the new layout.

Returns the charts.

figure = Ishi.new
charts = figure.charts(2, 2)
charts[0].plot([1, 2, 3, 4])
charts[1].plot([2, 3, 4, 1])

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def charts(rows : Int32, cols : Int32, &) #

Changes the number of charts in the figure.

By default a figure has one chart. This call changes the number of charts in the figure. The original chart is preserved and becomes the chart in the first row, first column of the new layout.

Yields each chart as the default receiver of the supplied block. Block arguments are i (the i-th chart in the figure), row and col (the row and column of the chart).

figure = Ishi.new
figure.charts(2, 2) do |i|
  plot([1, 2, 3, 4].rotate(i))

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def imshow(data : Indexable(Indexable(D)), **options) forall D #

Displays an image.

data is scalar image data.

Data is visualized using a colormap.

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def margin(left : Float64 | Bool = false, right : Float64 | Bool = false, top : Float64 | Bool = false, bottom : Float64 | Bool = false) #

Sets the margin.

For information on setting/unsetting the margin, see: Margin.

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def margin(left : Int32 | Bool = false, right : Int32 | Bool = false, top : Int32 | Bool = false, bottom : Int32 | Bool = false) #

Sets the margin.

For information on setting/unsetting the margin, see: Margin.

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def palette(name : Symbol, colorbox : Bool = true) #

Sets the palette.

name is :gray or one of the available color palettes: :hot, :inferno, :jet, :magma, :plasma or :viridis

Optionally, shows/hides the chart colorbox based on the value of colorbox.

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def plot(xdata : Indexable(T), ydata : Indexable(U), zdata : Indexable(V), format : String | Nil = nil, *, title : String | Nil = nil, style : Symbol = :points, **options) forall T, U, V #

Plots x, y and z.

title is the title of the plot. style is the drawing style. Supported styles include :surface, :circles, :lines, :points and :dots.

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def plot(ydata : Indexable(Y), format : String | Nil = nil, *, title : String | Nil = nil, style : Symbol = :lines, **options) forall Y #

Plots y using x ranging from 0 to N-1.

title is the title of the plot. style is the drawing style. Supported styles include :boxes, :lines, :points, :linespoints and :dots.

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def plot(xdata : Indexable(M), ydata : Indexable(N), format : String | Nil = nil, *, title : String | Nil = nil, style : Symbol = :points, **options) forall M, N #

Plots x and y.

title is the title of the plot. style is the drawing style. Supported styles include :boxes, :lines, :points, :linespoints and :dots.

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def plot(expression : String, format : String | Nil = nil, *, title : String | Nil = nil, style : Symbol | Nil = nil, **options) #

Plots a mathematical expression.

plot("sin(x) * cos(x)")
plot("3.5 * x + 1.5")

For information on gnuplot mathematical expressions, see: Expressions.

title is the title of the plot. style is the drawing style. Supported styles include :lines and :points.

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def scatter(xdata : Indexable(M), ydata : Indexable(N), format : String | Nil = nil, *, title : String | Nil = nil, style : Symbol = :dots, **options) forall M, N #

Scatter plots x and y.

title is the title of the plot.

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def scatter(xdata : Indexable(T), ydata : Indexable(U), zdata : Indexable(V), format : String | Nil = nil, *, title : String | Nil = nil, style : Symbol = :dots, **options) forall T, U, V #

Scatter plots x, y and z.

title is the title of the plot.

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abstract def show(**options) #

Shows the chart(s).

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def show_border(show : Bool) #

Shows/hides the chart border.

For information on setting/unsetting the border, see: Border.

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def show_colorbox(show : Bool) #

Shows/hides the chart colorbox.

For information on setting/unsetting the colorbox, see: Colorbox.

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def show_key(show : Bool) #

Shows/hides the chart key.

For information on setting/unsetting the key, see: Key.

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def show_xtics(show : Bool) #

Shows/hides the chart xtics.

For information on setting/unsetting the xtics, see: Xtics.

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def show_ytics(show : Bool) #

Shows/hides the chart ytics.

For information on setting/unsetting the ytics, see: Ytics.

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def size #

Returns the number of charts in the figure.

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def view(xrot : Float64, zrot : Float64) #

Sets the viewing angle for 3D charts.

For information on setting the viewing angle, see: View.

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def view(xrot : Int32, zrot : Int32) #

Sets the viewing angle for 3D charts.

For information on setting the viewing angle, see: View.

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def xlabel(xlabel : String) #

Sets the label of the x axis.

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def xrange(xrange : Range(Float64, Float64) | Range(Int32, Int32)) #

Sets the range of the x axis.

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def ylabel(ylabel : String) #

Sets the label of the y axis.

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def yrange(yrange : Range(Float64, Float64) | Range(Int32, Int32)) #

Sets the range of the y axis.

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def zlabel(zlabel : String) #

Sets the label of the z axis.

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def zrange(zrange : Range(Float64, Float64) | Range(Int32, Int32)) #

Sets the range of the z axis.

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