class SlackInteraction

Defined in:


Constant Summary

AFTER_PIPES = [] of Symbol
BEFORE_PIPES = [verify_accepted_format] of Symbol
EXPOSURES = [] of Symbol
PARAM_DECLARATIONS = [] of Crystal::Macros::TypeDeclaration
ROUTE_SETTINGS = {prefix: ""}
SKIPPED_PIPES = [] of Symbol

Class Method Summary

Instance Method Summary

Class methods inherited from class SlackAction

_accepted_formats _accepted_formats

Class Method Detail

def self.path(*args, **named_args) : String #

The application has been configured to eventually allow for a /hiring command to post jobs to a community hiring board + channel alert. This, and other UI blocks posted by the application will send interactions to this endpoint.

Currently, this a no-op. It will require additional support to be added to the library for different ways of handling Interactions.

def self.path_without_query_params #

The application has been configured to eventually allow for a /hiring command to post jobs to a community hiring board + channel alert. This, and other UI blocks posted by the application will send interactions to this endpoint.

Currently, this a no-op. It will require additional support to be added to the library for different ways of handling Interactions.

def self.route(anchor : String | Nil = nil) : Lucky::RouteHelper #

The application has been configured to eventually allow for a /hiring command to post jobs to a community hiring board + channel alert. This, and other UI blocks posted by the application will send interactions to this endpoint.

Currently, this a no-op. It will require additional support to be added to the library for different ways of handling Interactions.

def self.url(*args, **named_args) : String #

The application has been configured to eventually allow for a /hiring command to post jobs to a community hiring board + channel alert. This, and other UI blocks posted by the application will send interactions to this endpoint.

Currently, this a no-op. It will require additional support to be added to the library for different ways of handling Interactions.

def self.url_without_query_params #

The application has been configured to eventually allow for a /hiring command to post jobs to a community hiring board + channel alert. This, and other UI blocks posted by the application will send interactions to this endpoint.

Currently, this a no-op. It will require additional support to be added to the library for different ways of handling Interactions.

def self.with(anchor : String | Nil = nil) : Lucky::RouteHelper #

The application has been configured to eventually allow for a /hiring command to post jobs to a community hiring board + channel alert. This, and other UI blocks posted by the application will send interactions to this endpoint.

Currently, this a no-op. It will require additional support to be added to the library for different ways of handling Interactions.

Instance Method Detail

def call #

The application has been configured to eventually allow for a /hiring command to post jobs to a community hiring board + channel alert. This, and other UI blocks posted by the application will send interactions to this endpoint.

Currently, this a no-op. It will require additional support to be added to the library for different ways of handling Interactions.