module DomainUtil

Defined in:

Constant Summary

Log = ::Log.for("DomainUtil")

the url for the mozilla public suffixes list

TLD_URL = ""

the URL for the IANA TLD extensions list

Class Method Summary

Class Method Detail

def self.backoff_factor : Float64 #

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def self.backoff_factor=(backoff_factor : Float64) #

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def self.backoff_time : Time::Span #

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def self.backoff_time=(backoff_time : Time::Span) #

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def self.retry_count : Int32 #

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def self.retry_count=(retry_count : Int32) #

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def self.strip_subdomains(hostname : String, tld_only = false) : String #

extracts the domain name from hostname using the public suffixes database to identify the portion of hostname that is a public suffix. The next token to the left is returned (with its suffix) as the domain name. This effectively strips subdomains from an arbitrary domain name. If tld_only is set to true, only top-level domains according to IANA will be used (meaning "" would be the detected domain for hostanmes like By default the mozilla public suffixes database is used.

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def self.strip_suffix(hostname : String, tld_only = false) : String #

removes the domain extension / suffix from the end of the specified hostname. Follows the same options and semantics as #strip_subdomains.

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def self.suffixes : Set(String) #

contains the public suffix database from mozilla as a set of registerable domain extensions (com,, etc.). This set is a super set of #tld_extensions and all registerable domain names.

#update_suffixes must be called before this set will be populated

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def self.tld_extensions : Set(String) #

contains the TLD database as a set of top level domain extensions (com, net, etc.)

#update_tlds must be called before this set will be populated

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def self.update_suffixes(retry_count : Int32 = self.retry_count, backoff_time : Time::Span = self.backoff_time, backoff_factor : Float64 = self.backoff_factor) #

updates the mozilla public suffixes database by downloading and parsing data from #SUFFIX_URL. Upon a failure (non-200 status code) exponential backoff will be used until .retry_count is reached.

arguments: .retry_count (optional): specifies maximum number of retries before raising .backoff_time (optional): initial amount of time we should wait before trying again upon a failure .backoff_factor (optional): .backoff_time is multiplied by this factor on each failure. Should be greater than 1

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def self.update_tlds(retry_count : Int32 = self.retry_count, backoff_time : Time::Span = self.backoff_time, backoff_factor : Float64 = self.backoff_factor) #

updates the tld extensions database by downloading and parsing html from #TLD_URL. Upon a failure (non-200 status code) exponential backoff will be used until .retry_count is reached.

arguments: .retry_count (optional): specifies maximum number of retries before raising .backoff_time (optional): initial amount of time we should wait before trying again upon a failure .backoff_factor (optional): .backoff_time is multiplied by this factor on each failure. Should be greater than 1

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