CPF number validation and formatting for Crystal.

CPF (Cadastro de Pessoa FĂ­sical) is the Brazilian individual taxpayer registry. It's an 11-digit number in the format 000.000.000-00, where the last 2 numbers are check digits, generated through an arithmetic operation on the first nine digits.

API Reference


  1. Add the dependency to your shard.yml:

        github: stephannv/cpf
  2. Run shards install


API Reference

require "cpf"

# With valid formatted value
cpf = CPF.new("640.061.830-97")
cpf.value # => "640.061.830-97"
cpf.formatted # => "640.061.830-97"
cpf.unformatted # => "64006183097"

# With valid unformatted value
cpf = CPF.new("64006183097")
cpf.value # => "64006183097"
cpf.formatted # => "640.061.830-97"
cpf.unformatted # => "64006183097"

A CPF object is designed to never hold an invalid value, so you can assume that a CPF object will always hold a valid value. If you try to initialize a CPF object with an invalid value, it will raise an exception:

CPF.new("11111111111") # => raises `ArgumentError`

CPF.new("111.111.111-11") # => raises `ArgumentError`

To safely initialize a CPF object, use the .parse method:

# With invalid value
CPF.parse("11111111111") # => nil

# With valid value
CPF.parse("640.061.830-97") # => #<CPF:0x104fe0ae0 @value="640.061.830-97">

You can use CPF::Validator module to validate a CPF number:

CPF::Validator.valid?("11111111111") # => false

CPF::Validator.valid?("640.061.830-97") # => true


  1. shards install to install dependencies
  2. crystal spec to run tests


  1. Fork it (https://github.com/stephannv/cpf/fork)
  2. Create your feature branch (git checkout -b my-new-feature)
  3. Commit your changes (git commit -am 'Add some feature')
  4. Push to the branch (git push origin my-new-feature)
  5. Create a new Pull Request
