class Tasker::Pipeline(Input, Output)


a lossy pipeline for realtime processing so any outputs are as up to date as possible. This means some results might be ignored at various stages in the pipeline.

Included Modules

Defined in:



Instance Method Summary

Instance methods inherited from module Tasker::Processor(Input)

close : Nil close, closed? : Bool closed?, process(input : Input) : Bool process

Constructor Detail

def : String | Nil = nil, &work : Input -> Output) #

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Instance Method Detail

def chain(name : String | Nil = @name, &work : Output -> _) #

push the output of this pipeline task into the input of the next task, if that task is idle

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def chain(task : Pipeline(Output)) #

push the output of this pipeline task into the input of the next task, if that task is idle

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def close : Nil #

shutdown processing

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def closed? : Bool #

check if the pipline is running

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def idle? : Bool #

is work being performed currently

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def name : String | Nil #

name of the pipeline

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def process(input : Input) : Bool #

non-blocking send

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def subscribe(&work : Output -> Nil) #

push all the outputs of this task to the subscriber

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def subscribe(subscription : Subscription(Output)) #

push all the outputs of this task to the subscriber

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def time : Time::Span #

the time it took to perform the last bit of work

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