module PgORM::Query::Methods(T)

Direct including types

Defined in:


Instance Method Summary

Instance Method Detail

def all : self #

Query all records from the database. Doesn't actually issue any SQL query. See Cache#to_a to load all records from the database into an Array.

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def average(column_name : Symbol | String) : Float64 #

Calculates the average of a column. See #sum for details.

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def count(column_name : Symbol | String = "*", distinct = builder.distinct?) : Int64 #

Counts how many records match the SQL query.

You can count all columns or a specific column::


You can specify a raw SQL query with a String:


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def delete_all : Nil #

Executes a DELETE SQL query.

User.where(group_id: 1).delete_all
# => DELETE FROM "users" WHERE "group_id" = 1;

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def distinct(value = true) : self #

Specify a DISTINCT statement for the query.

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abstract def dup(builder : Builder) #

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def exists?(id : T::PrimaryKeyType) : Bool #

Returns true when a record identified by primary key exists in the database with the current conditions.

User.where(group_id: 1).exists?(2)
# => SELECT 1 AS one FROM "users" WHERE "group_id" = 1 AND "id" = 2 LIMIT 1;

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def exists? : Bool #

Returns true if the SQL query has at least one result.

User.where(group_id: 1).exists?
# => SELECT 1 AS one FROM "users" WHERE "group_id" = 1 LIMIT 1;

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def find(id : T::PrimaryKeyType) : T #

Loads a record by id from the database. Raises a Error::RecordNotFound exception when the record doesn't exist.

user = User.find(1)
# => SELECT * FROM "users" WHERE "id" = 1 LIMIT 1;

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def find?(id : T::PrimaryKeyType) : T | Nil #

Same as #find but returns nil when the record doesn't exist.

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def find_by(**args) : T #

Loads a record by arguments from the database. Raises a RecordNotFound exception when the record doesn't exist. For example:

user = User.find_by(name: "user", group_id: 2)
# => SELECT * FROM "users" WHERE "name" = 'user' AND "group_id" = 2 LIMIT 1;

See #where for more details on conditions.

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def find_by?(**args) : T | Nil #

Same as #find_by but returns nil when no record could be found in the database.

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def first : T #

Loads the first record from the database, ordering by the primary key in ascending order unless an order has been specified.

Merely takes the last entry in the cached result set if the relation was previously loaded.

Prefer #take if you don't need an ordering or already specified one.

user = User.first
# => SELECT * FROM "users" ORDER BY "id" ASC LIMIT 1;

user = User.order(name: :desc).last
# => SELECT * FROM "users" ORDER BY "name" DESC LIMIT 1;

user = User.order("name ASC, group_id DESC").last
# => SELECT * FROM "users" ORDER BY name ASC, group_id DESC LIMIT 1;

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def first? : T | Nil #

Same as #first? but returns nil when no record could be found in the database.

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def group_by(*columns : Symbol | String) : self #

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def ids : Array(T::PrimaryKeyType) #

Loads all primary key values of rows matching the SQL query.

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def join(type : JoinType, model : Base.class, fk : Symbol, pk : Base.class | Nil = nil) : self #

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def join(type : JoinType, model : Base.class, on : String) : self #

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def last : T #

Loads the last record from the database, ordering by the primary key in ascending order unless an order has been specified.

Merely takes the last entry in the cached result set if the relation was previously loaded.

Prefer #take if you don't need an ordering or already specified one.

user = User.last
# => SELECT * FROM "users" ORDER BY "id" DESC LIMIT 1;

user = User.order(name: :desc).last
# => SELECT * FROM "users" ORDER BY "name" ASC LIMIT 1;

user = User.order("name ASC, group_id DESC").last
# => SELECT * FROM "users" ORDER BY name DESC, group_id ASC LIMIT 1;

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def last? : T | Nil #

Same as #last? but returns nil when no record could be found in the database.

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def limit(value : Int32) : self #

Specify a LIMIT for the query.

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def maximum(column_name : Symbol | String) #

Returns the maximum value for a column. See #sum for details.

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def minimum(column_name : Symbol | String) #

Returns the minimum value for a column. See #sum for details.

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def none : self #

Ensures that the query will never return anything from the database.

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def offset(value : Int32) : self #

Specify an OFFSET for the query.

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def order(columns : Hash(Symbol, Symbol)) : self #

Specify an ORDER for the query. This is added to any previous order definition. For example:

User.order({name: :asc, group_id: :desc})
# => SELECT * FROM "users" ORDER BY "name" ASC, "group_id" DESC;

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def order(*columns : Symbol | String) : self #

Specify an ORDER column for the query. This is added to any previous order definition. For example:

# => SELECT * FROM "users" ORDER BY "name" ASC;

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def order(**columns) : self #

Specify an ORDER for the query. This is added to any previous order definition. For example:

User.order(name: :asc, group_id: :desc)
# => SELECT * FROM "users" ORDER BY "name" ASC, "group_id" DESC;

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def pluck(column_name : Symbol | String) : Array(Value) #

Loads values of a single column as an Array.

names = User.pluck(:name)
# => SELECT "name" FROM "users";
# => ["user", "alice", ...]

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def reorder(columns : Hash(Symbol, Symbol)) : self #

Specify an ORDER for the query, replacing any previous ORDER definition. See #order for details.

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def reorder(*columns : Symbol | String) : self #

Specify an ORDER column for the query, replacing any previous ORDER definition. See #order for details.

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def reorder(**columns) : self #

Specify an ORDER for the query, replacing any previous ORDER definition. See #order for details.

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def select(sql : String) : self #

Specify a raw SELECT statement for the query.

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def select(*columns : Symbol) : self #

Specify SELECT columns for the query.

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def size : Int64 #

Returns how many records match the SQL query. Uses the cached result set if the query was previously loaded, otherwise executes a COUNT SQL query.

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def sum(column_name : Symbol | String) : Int64 | Float64 #

Calculates the sum of a column.

You can specify a column name:


You can specify a raw SQL query with a String:


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def take : T #

Loads one record from the database, without any ordering. Raises a Error::RecordNotFound exception when no record could be found.

user = User.take
# => SELECT * FROM "users" LIMIT 1;

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def take? : T | Nil #

Same as #take but returns nil when no record could be found in the database.

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def to_sql : String #

Returns the generated SQL query. Useful for debugging.

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def unscope(*args) : self #

Resets previously set SQL statement(s). For example:

users = User.where(group_id: 1).limit(10)
users.unscope(:limit)         # == User.where(group_id: 1)
users.unscope(:where)         # == User.limit(10)
users.unscope(:where, :limit) # == User.all

Available properties:

  • :select
  • :where
  • :order
  • :limit
  • :offset

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def update_all(attributes : Hash | NamedTuple) : Nil #

Executes an UPDATE SQL query.

User.where(id: 1).update_all({group_id: 2})
# => UPDATE "users" SET "group_id" = 2 WHERE "id" = 1;

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def update_all(**attributes) : Nil #

Executes an UPDATE SQL query.

User.where(id: 1).update_all(group_id: 2)
# => UPDATE "users" SET "group_id" = 2 WHERE "id" = 1;

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def where(conditions : Hash(Symbol, Value | Array(Value)) | NamedTuple) : self #

Specify WHERE conditions for the query. For example:

conditions = {
  :name     => "user",
  :group_id => 2,
# => SELECT * FROM "users" WHERE "name" = 'user' AND "group_id" = 2;

The condition value may be nil:

User.where({:group_id => nil})
# => SELECT * FROM "users" WHERE "group_id" IS NULL;

The condition value may also be an Array of values:

User.where({:group_id => [1, 2, 3]})
# => SELECT * FROM "users" WHERE "group_id" IN (1, 2, 3);

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def where(sql : String, *args : Value) : self #

Specify a raw WHERE condition for the query. You can specify arguments as ? and pass them to the method. For example:

User.where("LENGTH(name) > ?", 10)
# => SELECT * FROM "users" WHERE LENGTH(name) > 10;

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def where(**conditions) : self #

Specify WHERE conditions for the query. For example:

User.where(name: "user", group_id: 2)
# => SELECT * FROM "users" WHERE "name" = 'user' AND "group_id" = 2;

The condition value may be nil:

User.where(group_id: nil)
# => SELECT * FROM "users" WHERE "group_id" IS NULL;

The condition value may also be an Array of values:

User.where(group_id: [1, 2, 3])
# => SELECT * FROM "users" WHERE "group_id" IN (1, 2, 3);

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def where_not(conditions : Hash(Symbol, Value | Array(Value)) | NamedTuple) : self #

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def where_not(**conditions) : self #

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