class KNX::Header::Timer
- KNX::Header::Timer
- BinData
- Reference
- Object
Defined in:
knx/header.crConstant Summary
[{type: "bitfield", name: 1, cls: KNX::Header::Timer, onlyif: nil, verify: nil}, {type: "basic", name: message_tag, cls: UInt16, onlyif: nil, verify: nil, value: nil, endian: nil}, {type: "string", name: cmac, cls: String, onlyif: nil, verify: nil, length: -> do 16 end, value: nil, encoding: nil}] of Nil
[] of Nil
Class Method Summary
Instance Method Summary
- #__format__ : IO::ByteFormat
#cmac : String
Timestamp + Serial Number + Tag + frame length (2 bytes) == 0x0000
#cmac=(cmac : String)
Timestamp + Serial Number + Tag + frame length (2 bytes) == 0x0000
- #knx_serial_number : UInt64
- #knx_serial_number=(knx_serial_number : UInt64)
- #message_tag : UInt16
- #message_tag=(message_tag : UInt16)
Group fields might need access to data in the parent
#parent=(parent : KNX::Header | Nil)
Group fields might need access to data in the parent
- #timestamp : UInt64
- #timestamp=(timestamp : UInt64)
Macro Summary
- knx_header(name, onlyif = nil, verify = nil, value = nil)
- knx_header_timer(name, onlyif = nil, verify = nil, value = nil)
- knx_header_wrapper(name, onlyif = nil, verify = nil, value = nil)