module Ed25519
Extended Modules
Defined in:
Constant Summary
BigInt255 =
(Two ** ( + ("27742317777372353535851937790883648493"))
D_MINUS_ONE_SQ ="40440834346308536858101042469323190826248399146238708352240133220865137265952")
INVSQRT_A_MINUS_D ="54469307008909316920995813868745141605393597292927456921205312896311721017578")
1 / √(a-d)
MAX_256B =
Ed25519::Two ** (
One =
ONE_MINUS_D_SQ ="1159843021668779879193775521855586647937357759715417654439879720876111806838")
PointPrecomputes =
Hash(Point, Array(ExtendedPoint)).new
Stores precomputed values for points.
SQRT_AD_MINUS_ONE ="25063068953384623474111414158702152701244531502492656460079210482610430750235")
√(ad - 1)
SQRT_D ="6853475219497561581579357271197624642482790079785650197046958215289687604742")
√d aka sqrt(-486664)
SQRT_M1 ="19681161376707505956807079304988542015446066515923890162744021073123829784752")
√(-1) aka √(a) aka 2^((p-1)/4)
Two =
Zero =
Instance Method Summary
- #adjust_bytes_25519(bytes : Bytes) : Bytes
- #bytes_255_to_number_le(bytes : Bytes) : BigInt
#bytes_to_hex(uint8a : Bytes) : String
Convert between types ---------------------
#bytes_to_number_le(uint8a : Bytes) : BigInt
Little Endian
- #concat_bytes(*arrays) : Bytes
#cswap(swap : BigInt, x_2 : BigInt, x_3 : BigInt) : Tuple(BigInt, BigInt)
cswap from RFC7748
- #decode_scalar_25519(n : Hex) : BigInt
- #decode_u_coordinate(u_enc : Hex) : BigInt
#ed_is_negative(num : BigInt)
Little-endian check for first LE bit (last BE bit)
- #encode_u_coordinate(u : BigInt) : Bytes
- #ensure_bytes(hex : Hex, expected_length : Int32 | Nil = nil) : Bytes
- #equal_bytes(b1 : Bytes, b2 : Bytes)
#get_extended_public_key(key : PrivKey)
Private convenience method RFC8032 5.1.5
#get_public_key(private_key : PrivKey) : Bytes
** Calculates ed25519 public key.
#get_shared_secret(private_key : PrivKey, public_key : Hex) : Bytes
** Calculates X25519 DH shared secret from ed25519 private & public keys.
- #hex_to_bytes(hex : String) : Bytes
#invert(number : BigInt, modulo : BigInt = Curve::P) : BigInt
Note: this egcd-based invert is 50% faster than powMod-based one.
#invert_batch(nums : Array(BigInt), p : BigInt = Curve::P) : Array(BigInt)
** Takes a list of numbers, efficiently inverts all of them.
#invert_sqrt(number : BigInt)
Calculates 1/√(number)
- #mod(a : BigInt, b : BigInt = Curve::P) : BigInt
#montgomery_ladder(point_u : BigInt, scalar : BigInt) : BigInt
x25519 from 4 **
#normalize_scalar(num : Int, max : BigInt, strict = true) : BigInt
** Checks for num to be in range: For strict == true:
0 < num < max
. - #number_to_32_bytes_be(num : BigInt) : Bytes
- #number_to_32_bytes_le(num : BigInt) : Bytes
#pow2(x : BigInt, power : BigInt) : BigInt
Does x ^ (2 ^ power) mod p.
#pow_2_252_3(x : BigInt)
Power to (p-5)/8 aka x^(2^252-3) Used to calculate y - the square root of y².
#sha512_modq_le(*args) : BigInt
Little-endian SHA512 with modulo n
#sign(message : Hex, private_key : Hex) : Bytes
** Signs message with private_key.
#uv_ratio(u : BigInt, v : BigInt) : NamedTuple(is_valid: Bool, value: BigInt)
Ratio of u to v.
#verify(sig : SigType, message : Hex, public_key : PubKey) : Bool
** Verifies ed25519 signature against message and public key.
Instance Method Detail
** Calculates ed25519 public key.
- private key is hashed with sha512, then first 32 bytes are taken from the hash
- 3 least significant bits of the first byte are cleared RFC8032 5.1.5 /
Note: this egcd-based invert is 50% faster than powMod-based one. Inverses number over modulo
** Takes a list of numbers, efficiently inverts all of them. @param nums list of BigInts @param p modulo @returns list of inverted BigInts @example Ed25519.invert_batch([1n, 2n, 4n], 21n)
=> [1n, 11n, 16n]
x25519 from 4 **
@param point_u u coordinate (x) on Montgomery Curve 25519 @param scalar by which the point would be multiplied @returns new Point on Montgomery curve /
Checks for num to be in range:
For strict == true: 0 < num < max
For strict == false: 0 <= num < max
Converts non-float safe numbers to BigInts.
Does x ^ (2 ^ power) mod p. pow2(30, 4) == 30 ^ (2 ^ 4)
Power to (p-5)/8 aka x^(2^252-3) Used to calculate y - the square root of y². Exponentiates it to very big number. We are unwrapping the loop because it's 2x faster. (2n**252n-3n).to_string(2) would produce bits [250x 1, 0, 1] We are multiplying it bit-by-bit
** Signs message with private_key. RFC8032 5.1.6 /
Ratio of u to v. Allows us to combine inversion and square root. Uses algo from RFC8032 5.1.3. Constant-time prettier-ignore
** Verifies ed25519 signature against message and public key. An extended group equation is checked. RFC8032 5.1.7 Compliant with ZIP215: 0 <= sig.R/public_key < 2**256 (can be >= curve.P) 0 <= sig.s < l Not compliant with RFC8032: it's not possible to comply to both ZIP & RFC at the same time. /