class SNMP::PDU
- Reference
- Object
Direct Known Subclasses
Defined in:
- .new(ber : ASN1::BER)
- .new(request_id : Int32 = rand(2147483647), varbinds : Array(VarBind) = [] of VarBind, error_status : SNMP::ErrorStatus = ErrorStatus::NoError, error_index : SNMP::ErrorIndex = ErrorIndex::NoError)
- .new(request_id : Int32 = rand(2147483647), varbind : VarBind | Nil = nil, error_status : SNMP::ErrorStatus = ErrorStatus::NoError, error_index : SNMP::ErrorIndex = ErrorIndex::NoError)
Instance Method Summary
- #error_index : ErrorIndex
- #error_index=(error_index : ErrorIndex)
- #error_status : ErrorStatus
- #error_status=(error_status : ErrorStatus)
- #new_request_id
shortcut for
- #request_id : Int32
- #request_id=(request_id : Int32)
- #to_ber(tag_number)
shortcut for
- #varbinds : Array(VarBind)
- #varbinds=(varbinds : Array(VarBind))
Constructor Detail
def : Int32 = rand(2147483647), varbinds : Array(VarBind) = [] of VarBind, error_status : SNMP::ErrorStatus = ErrorStatus::NoError, error_index : SNMP::ErrorIndex = ErrorIndex::NoError)
def : Int32 = rand(2147483647), varbind : VarBind | Nil = nil, error_status : SNMP::ErrorStatus = ErrorStatus::NoError, error_index : SNMP::ErrorIndex = ErrorIndex::NoError)