struct OpenAI::FineTuningJob


Fine-tuning job object

Included Modules

Extended Modules

Defined in:



Instance Method Summary

Constructor Detail

def : JSON::PullParser) #

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Instance Method Detail

def created_at : Time #

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def error : JSON::Any | Nil #

For fine-tuning jobs that have failed, this will contain more information on the cause of the failure.

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def fine_tuned_model : String | Nil #

The name of the fine-tuned model that is being created. The value will be null if the fine-tuning job is still running.

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def finished_at : Time | Nil #

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def hyperparameters : HyperParams | Nil #

The hyperparameters used for the fine-tuning job.

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def id : String #

The object identifier, which can be referenced in the API endpoints.

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def model : String #

The base model that is being fine-tuned.

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def object : String #

The object type, which is always "fine_tuning.job".

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def organization_id : String #

The organization that owns the fine-tuning job.

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def result_files : Array(String) #

The compiled results file ID(s) for the fine-tuning job. You can retrieve the results with the Files API.

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def status : FineTuningStatus #

The current status of the fine-tuning job, which can be either created, pending, running, succeeded, failed, or cancelled.

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def trained_tokens : Int32 | Nil #

The total number of billable tokens processed by this fine-tuning job. The value will be null if the fine-tuning job is still running.

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def training_file : String #

The file ID used for training. You can retrieve the training data with the Files API.

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def validation_file : String | Nil #

The file ID used for validation. You can retrieve the validation results with the Files API.

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