class ASN1::BER

Defined in:


Constant Summary

BIT_PARTS = [] of Nil
ENDIAN = ["big"]
INDEX = [-1]
PARTS = [{"basic", identifier, Identifier, nil, nil, nil, nil}, {"basic", length, Length, nil, nil, nil, nil}] of Nil

Instance Method Summary

Instance methods inherited from class BinData

__format__ : IO::ByteFormat __format__, read(io : IO) : IO read, to_io(io : IO, format : IO::ByteFormat = IO::ByteFormat::SystemEndian) to_io, to_slice to_slice, write(io : IO) : IO write

Class methods inherited from class BinData

from_io(io : IO, format : IO::ByteFormat = IO::ByteFormat::SystemEndian) from_io

Instance Method Detail

def __format__ : IO::ByteFormat #

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def children #

Extracts children from the payload

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def children=(parts) #

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def constructed #

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def constructed=(custom : Bool) #

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def extended #

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def extended=(parts : Array(ExtendedIdentifier)) #

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def extended? #

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def get_bitstring #

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def get_boolean #

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def get_bytes : Slice(UInt8) #

Returns the raw bytes

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def get_hexstring(universal = true, tag = UniversalTags::OctetString) #

Gets a hex representation of the bytes

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def get_integer : Int64 #

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def get_integer_bytes : Bytes #

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def get_object_id #

Returns the object ID in string format

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def get_string #

Returns a UTF8 string

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def identifier : Identifier #

Components of a BER object

def identifier=(identifier : Identifier) #

Components of a BER object

def inspect(io : IO) : Nil #
Description copied from class Reference

Appends a String representation of this object which includes its class name, its object address and the values of all instance variables.

class Person
  def initialize(@name : String, @age : Int32)
end"John", 32).inspect # => #<Person:0x10fd31f20 @name="John", @age=32>

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def length : Length #

def length=(length : Length) #

def payload : Bytes #

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def payload=(payload : Bytes) #

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def read(io : IO) : IO #

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def sequence? #

Check if this can be expanded into multiple sub-entries

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def set_boolean(value) #

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def set_bytes(data, tag = UniversalTags::OctetString, tag_class = TagClass::Universal) #

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def set_hexstring(string, tag = UniversalTags::OctetString, tag_class = TagClass::Universal) #

Sets bytes from a hexstring

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def set_integer(value) #

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def set_object_id(oid) #

Sets a string representing an object ID

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def set_string(string, tag = UniversalTags::UTF8String, tag_class = TagClass::Universal) #

Sets a UTF8 string

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def size #

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def tag #

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def tag_class #

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def tag_class=(tag : TagClass) #

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def tag_number #

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def tag_number=(tag_type : Int | UniversalTags) #

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def write(io : IO) : IO #

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