abstract class ActionController::Base


the base class of all controllers

Included Modules

Defined in:


Macro Summary

Instance Method Summary

Instance methods inherited from module ActionController::Responders

accepts_formats : Array(String) accepts_formats

Macros inherited from module ActionController::Responders

head(status) head, redirect_to(path, status = :found) redirect_to, render(status = :ok, head = nil, json = nil, yaml = nil, xml = nil, html = nil, text = nil, binary = nil, template = nil, partial = nil, layout = nil) render, respond_with(status = :ok, &block) respond_with

Macros inherited from module ActionController::Route::Builder

add_parser(content_type, &block) add_parser, add_responder(content_type, &block) add_responder, default_parser(content_type) default_parser, default_responder(content_type) default_responder

Macro Detail

macro after_action(method, only = nil, except = nil, filter_name = nil) #

runs code after an action is executed and the response has been sent.

def audit_user_activity
  log_activity(session["user"], request_protocol, action_name)

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macro around_action(method, only = nil, except = nil, filter_name = nil) #

wraps actions in the code provided, must yield to the action

@[AC::Route::Filter(:around_action, only: [:create, :update])]
def wrap_in_transaction
  PgORM::Database.transaction do

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macro base(name = nil) #

this route is appended to any routes defined in the controller

defaults to /

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macro before_action(method, only = nil, except = nil, filter_name = nil) #

runs code before an action is executed

@[AC::Route::Filter(:before_action, except: [:public_show])]
def ensure_authenticated
  raise Error::Unauthorized.new("user not found") unless session["user"]?

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macro delete(path, function = nil, annotations = nil, reference = nil, &block) #

define a new route that responds to DELETE requests

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macro force_ssl(only = nil, except = nil, filter_name = nil) #

ensures certain routes can only be accessed over TLS

recommended that this is enabled for your entire application

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macro force_tls(only = nil, except = nil) #

ensures certain routes can only be accessed over TLS

recommended that this is enabled for your entire application

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macro get(path, function = nil, annotations = nil, reference = nil, &block) #

define a new route that responds to GET requests

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macro layout(filename = nil) #

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macro options(path, function = nil, annotations = nil, reference = nil, &block) #

define a new route that responds to OPTIONS requests

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macro partial(partial, io = nil) #

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macro patch(path, function = nil, annotations = nil, reference = nil, &block) #

define a new route that responds to PATCH requests

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macro post(path, function = nil, annotations = nil, reference = nil, &block) #

define a new route that responds to POST requests

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macro put(path, function = nil, annotations = nil, reference = nil, &block) #

define a new route that responds to PUT requests

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macro rescue_from(error_class, method = nil, &block) #

provide custom responses for certain types of errors that might occur in multiple routes

helps keep your code DRY and simplifies controller methods

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macro skip_action(method, only = nil, except = nil, filter_name = nil) #

provides a method for skipping filters that were defined in parent classes.

for instance, you might have a global authorisation check, however one route is less strict

skip_action :authorize!, only: [:public_show]

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macro template(template = nil, partial = nil, layout = nil, io = nil) #

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macro template_path(path) #

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macro ws(path, function = nil, annotations = nil, reference = nil, &block) #

used to define a websocket route

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Instance Method Detail

def action_name : Symbol #

the action name being executed (typically the function name)

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def client_ip : String #

attempts to find the clients IP address using proxy headers or the remote_address

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def context : HTTP::Server::Context #

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def cookies : HTTP::Cookies #

parses the cookies sent with the request

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def files : Hash(String, Array(ActionController::BodyParser::FileUpload)) | Nil #

returns any file provided in a multipart post

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def form_data #

returns any data that could be parsed from the request body.

It will only attempt to parse the data if the appropriate content-type header is set

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def params : URI::Params #

parses all the params (query + route + body form data) and makes them available in one place

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def query_params(*args, **options) #

parses the query params that were sent with the request

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def query_params(*args, **options, &) #

parses the query params that were sent with the request

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def render_called : Bool #

has the response already been sent?

DEPRECATED use #render_called?

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def render_called? : Bool #

has the response already been sent?

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def request(*args, **options) #

shortcuts to methods available on the context

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def request(*args, **options, &) #

shortcuts to methods available on the context

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def request_charset : String #

looks at the content type header to see if the charset was defined

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def request_content_type : String | Nil #

looks at the content type header for the media type and returns the text representation of it

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def request_media_type : MIME::MediaType | Nil #

looks at the content type header for the media type

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def request_protocol #

returns either :http or :https

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def response(*args, **options) #

shortcuts to methods available on the context

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def response(*args, **options, &) #

shortcuts to methods available on the context

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def route_params(*args, **options) #

shortcuts to methods available on the context

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def route_params(*args, **options, &) #

shortcuts to methods available on the context

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def session : Session #

loads the session from the cookies if it exists

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def stale?(last_modified : Time | Nil = nil, etag : String | Nil = nil, public : Bool = false) #

Sets the etag and/or last_modified on the response and checks it against the client request. If it’s fresh and we don’t need to generate anything, a reply of 304 Not Modified is sent.

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