struct Discord::Emoji

Included Modules

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Instance Method Summary

Constructor Detail

def : JSON::PullParser) #

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Instance Method Detail

def animated : Bool | Nil #

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def animated=(animated : Bool | Nil) #

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def id : Snowflake | Nil #

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def id=(id : Snowflake | Nil) #

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def image_url(size : Int32 = 128) #

Produces a CDN URL to this emoji's image in the given size. Will return a PNG, or GIF if the emoji is animated.

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def image_url(format : CDN::CustomEmojiFormat, size : Int32 = 128) #

Produces a CDN URL to this emoji's image in the given format and size or nil if the emoji has no id.

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def managed : Bool | Nil #

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def managed=(managed : Bool | Nil) #

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def mention #

Produces a string to mention this emoji in a message

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def name : String #

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def name=(name : String) #

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def require_colons : Bool | Nil #

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def require_colons=(require_colons : Bool | Nil) #

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def roles : Array(Snowflake) | Nil #

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def roles=(roles : Array(Snowflake) | Nil) #

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