HTTP EMQ Auth service

This service allow to emq MQTT server, a flexible configuration for authentication and authorization without restart the service.

The http auth service is build as binary program with Crystal Lang


Download the last binary release or build from sources


The service will be listing in the port 3000 by default. Run normally with


Setting up with ENV variables

Define CONFIG_PATH for changing the path of the configuration file .yml

Define CONFIG_YAML for insert the configuration as string in the env environment

Define PORT if you want to change the default listen port 3000

Define DEBUG if you want see the debug info

Running with config file

By default the program will load the file config.yml

The structure of the config.yml

  test1: pass1
  test2: pass2

  - user: test1
  # Possible methods "pub", "sub", "pubsub"
    method: pubsub
  # Topics allow variables %c for client id, %i for ip_address and $u for username
      - topic1/%u
      - topic2

Building and deploy with Docker

docker build -t http_emqauth_service .
docker run -p \
-e "DEBUG=true" -e "CONFIG_PATH=config1.yml" \
--mount type=bind,source="$(pwd)"/config.yml,target=/app/config1.yml  \

Configure the plugin emqx_auth_http in EMQ for this service

File: etc/plugins/emq_auth_http.conf or /etc/emqttd/plugins/emq_auth_http.conf

## Authentication request.
## Variables:
##  - %u: username
##  - %c: clientid
##  - %a: ipaddress
##  - %P: password
## Value: URL
auth.http.auth_req =
auth.http.auth_req.method = get
## Value: Params
auth.http.auth_req.params = clientid=%c,username=%u,password=%P

## Superuser request.
## Variables:
##  - %u: username
##  - %c: clientid
##  - %a: ipaddress
## Value: URL
auth.http.super_req =
auth.http.super_req.method = get
## Value: Params
auth.http.super_req.params = clientid=%c,username=%u,ipaddress=%a

## ACL request.
## Variables:
##  - %A: 1 | 2, 1 = sub, 2 = pub
##  - %u: username
##  - %c: clientid
##  - %a: ipaddress
##  - %t: topic
## Value: URL
auth.http.acl_req =
auth.http.acl_req.method = get
## Value: Params
auth.http.acl_req.params = access=%A,username=%u,clientid=%c,ipaddress=%a,topic=%t


Install the required shards with:

shards install

Create the specs for testing your changes.

Tested and build with Crystal 0.26.1


  1. Fork it (
  2. Create your feature branch (git checkout -b my-new-feature)
  3. Commit your changes (git commit -am 'Add some feature')
  4. Push to the branch (git push origin my-new-feature)
  5. Create a new Pull Request
