Top Level Namespace
Defined in:
Constant Summary
File.join(Dir.current, "configuration.yml")
Constant for the default configuration path.
The default Redis host name.
The default Redis pool size.
The default Redis port number.
Method Summary
create_redis_pool(configuration) : Redis::PooledClient
Create a new Redis connection pool.
A method to help generate group ids.
load_configuration(path : String = DEFAULT_CONFIGURATION_PATH)
Loads the application configuration file.
Macro Summary
bad_request(cause, response = "Bad Request")
A macro to raise an bad request HTTP exception.
fail_request(env, code, error, message)
A macro that encapsulates standard functionality for calling a halt to request processing on a request that has hit a problem.
A macro that provides the exception handling for processing a standard web request.
forbidden(cause, response = "Forbidden")
A macro to raise an forbidden HTTP exception.
A macro to wrap the extraction of request configuration.
A macro to wrap the extraction of request configuration.
handle_exception(env, exception)
A macro to handle catching non-HTTP exceptions.
handle_http_exception(env, exception)
A macro to simplify handling HTTPExceptions in code.
internal_server_error(cause, response = "Internal Server Error")
A macro to raise an internal server error HTTP exception.
not_found(cause, response = "Not Found")
A macro to raise an not found HTTP exception.
optional_parameter(name, parameters, alternative = nil, type = String)
A macro to encapsulate handling for optional parameters.
required_parameter(name, parameters, type = String)
A macro to encapsulate handling for required parameters.
unauthorized(cause, response = "Unauthorized")
A macro to raise an unauthorized HTTP exception.
Method Detail
Loads the application configuration file.
Macro Detail
A macro to raise an bad request HTTP exception.
A macro that encapsulates standard functionality for calling a halt to request processing on a request that has hit a problem.
A macro that provides the exception handling for processing a standard web request.
A macro to raise an internal server error HTTP exception.
A macro to encapsulate handling for optional parameters.
A macro to encapsulate handling for required parameters.
A macro to raise an unauthorized HTTP exception.