class Template

Direct Known Subclasses

Defined in:


Constant Summary

CONTENT_TAG_NAMES = ["html", "head", "title", "script", "body", "nav", "ul", "li", "a", "div", "p", "strong", "i", "form", "aside", "main", "section", "header", "h1", "h2", "h3", "h4", "h5", "h6", "table", "thead", "tbody", "tr", "td", "span", "dl", "dt", "dd"] of ::String
STANDALONE_TAG_NAMES = ["meta", "link", "img", "br"] of ::String


Instance Method Summary

Macro Summary

Constructor Detail

def : String | Template | Nil) #

[View source]
def #

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Instance Method Detail

def end_tag(io : IO, name : String) #

[View source]
def main_docking_point : DockingPoint #

[View source]
def main_docking_point=(main_docking_point : DockingPoint) #

[View source]
def standalone_tag(io, name, *attrs) #

[View source]
def start_tag(io, name, *attrs) #

[View source]
def tag(io, name, *attrs, &) #

[View source]
def tag(io, name, *attrs) #

[View source]
def tag_begin(io : IO, name : String, arg) #

[View source]
def tag_begin(io : IO, name : String) #

[View source]
def tag_begin(io : IO, name : String, *args) #

[View source]

Macro Detail

macro a(*attrs, &block) #

[View source]
macro action(value) #

[View source]
macro aside(*attrs, &block) #

[View source]
macro body(*attrs, &block) #

[View source]
macro br(*attrs) #

[View source]
macro capture_elems(&blk) #

[View source]
macro dd(*attrs, &block) #

[View source]
macro div(*attrs, &block) #

[View source]
macro dl(*attrs, &block) #

[View source]
macro doctype(dt = "html") #

[View source]
macro dt(*attrs, &block) #

[View source]
macro eval_exp(&blk) #

[View source]
macro form(*attrs, &block) #

[View source]
macro h1(*attrs, &block) #

[View source]
macro h2(*attrs, &block) #

[View source]
macro h3(*attrs, &block) #

[View source]
macro h4(*attrs, &block) #

[View source]
macro h5(*attrs, &block) #

[View source]
macro h6(*attrs, &block) #

[View source]
macro head(*attrs, &block) #

[View source]
macro header(*attrs, &block) #

[View source]
macro href(value) #

[View source]
macro html(*attrs, &block) #

[View source]
macro i(*attrs, &block) #

[View source]
macro img(*attrs) #

[View source]
macro li(*attrs, &block) #

[View source]
macro link(*attrs) #

[View source]
macro main(*attrs, &block) #

[View source]
macro meta(*attrs) #

[View source]
macro nav(*attrs, &block) #

[View source]
macro p(*attrs, &block) #

[View source]
macro script(*attrs, &block) #

[View source]
macro section(*attrs, &block) #

[View source]
macro span(*attrs, &block) #

[View source]
macro stimulus_include(code) #

[View source]
macro strong(*attrs, &block) #

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macro style(style_class) #

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macro table(*attrs, &block) #

[View source]
macro tbody(*attrs, &block) #

[View source]
macro td(*attrs, &block) #

[View source]
macro template(&blk) #

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macro thead(*attrs, &block) #

[View source]
macro title(*attrs, &block) #

[View source]
macro tr(*attrs, &block) #

[View source]
macro ul(*attrs, &block) #

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