class BranchDeploy


The BranchDeploy class represents the configuration for how runway should handle additional logic from requests For example, you may want to add a reaction to the comment that initially triggers the branch deploy request. You can configure that here.

Included Modules

Defined in:


Constant Summary

ALLOWED_REACTIONS = ["eyes", "rocket", "+1", "-1", "tada", "laugh", "confused", "heart"] of ::String


Instance Method Summary

Constructor Detail

def : YAML::ParseContext, node : YAML::Nodes::Node) #

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Instance Method Detail

def after_initialize #

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def branch_deploy_text : String | Nil #

branch_deploy_text defaults to "branch-deploy" and will likely never need to be set by the user

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def branch_deploy_text=(branch_deploy_text : String | Nil) #

branch_deploy_text defaults to "branch-deploy" and will likely never need to be set by the user

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def enabled : Bool | Nil #

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def enabled=(enabled : Bool | Nil) #

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def failure_reaction : String | Nil #

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def failure_reaction=(failure_reaction : String | Nil) #

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def remove_initial_reaction : Bool | Nil #

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def remove_initial_reaction=(remove_initial_reaction : Bool | Nil) #

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def success_reaction : String | Nil #

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def success_reaction=(success_reaction : String | Nil) #

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