class Watcher
- Watcher
- Reference
- Object
A file system watcher that monitors paths for changes and triggers events when files are added, modified, or removed. It operates asynchronously using non-blocking operations to efficiently handle file system events.
The watcher can monitor multiple paths simultaneously and allows configuring how frequently it checks for changes through a polling interval. When changes are detected, it triggers callbacks to handle the events without blocking the main application flow.
To create and use a watcher:
# Create a watcher that checks every 500 milliseconds
watcher =
# Add a directory to monitor
# Handle file change events
watcher.on_event do |event| { "File changed: #{event.path}" }
# Handle errors
watcher.on_error do |exception|
Log.error { "An error occurred: #{exception.message}" }
# Start monitoring
The interval parameter in .new
determines how frequently the watcher checks for changes.
A lower interval means more frequent checks but higher CPU usage.
NOTE This watcher does not automatically monitor subdirectories recursively.
Each directory must be explicitly added using #add
When files change, the watcher triggers events through the callback set with #on_event
Different event types (AddedEvent
, ModifiedEvent
, RemovedEvent
) indicate what kind
of change occurred. Error handling can be configured through the #on_error
Defined in:
watcher.crConstant Summary
.new(interval : Time::Span = 100.milliseconds)
Creates a new file system watcher that checks for changes every interval milliseconds.
Instance Method Summary
#add(path : String)
Adds a path to the set of monitored locations.
#interval : Time::Span
Returns the interval between file system checks.
#on_error : Proc(Exception, Nil) | Nil
Returns the current error handler.
#on_error(&block : Exception -> )
Sets the handler for errors that occur during monitoring.
#on_event : Proc(Event, Nil) | Nil
Returns the current event handler for file system changes.
#on_event(&block : Event -> )
Sets the handler for file system events.
#paths : Set(String)
Returns the set of paths currently being monitored.
#running? : Bool
Returns whether the watcher is currently monitoring for changes.
Begins monitoring for file system changes.
Stops monitoring for file system changes.
#timestamps : Hash(String, Hash(String, Time))
Returns a mapping of paths to their last known modification times.
Constructor Detail
Creates a new file system watcher that checks for changes every interval milliseconds.
Instance Method Detail
Adds a path to the set of monitored locations.
The path is immediately scanned to establish initial timestamps for all contained files.
Sets the handler for errors that occur during monitoring.
The provided block is called whenever an exception occurs while checking for file system changes.
Returns the current event handler for file system changes.
Sets the handler for file system events.
The provided block is called whenever a file is added, modified, or removed in any of the monitored paths.
Begins monitoring for file system changes.
Spawns a new fiber that periodically checks all monitored paths for changes. If the watcher is already running, this method does nothing.
Stops monitoring for file system changes.
The monitoring loop will complete its current iteration before stopping.
Returns a mapping of paths to their last known modification times.