class FrozenLayer::Configuration
- FrozenLayer::Configuration
- Reference
- Object
Included Modules
- JSON::Serializable
Defined in:
Instance Method Summary
- #connect_timeout : Time::Span | Nil
- #connect_timeout=(connect_timeout : Time::Span | Nil)
- #cors_domain : String
- #cors_domain=(cors_domain : String)
#cors_regex : String | Nil
The cors regex have priority over the cors domain
#cors_regex=(cors_regex : String | Nil)
The cors regex have priority over the cors domain
- #dev?
- #environment : String
- #environment=(environment : String)
- #graphql_url : String
- #graphql_url=(graphql_url : String)
- #operations_map : OperationsMap | Nil
- #operations_map=(operations_map : OperationsMap | Nil)
- #prod?
- #proxy_url : String | Nil
- #proxy_url=(proxy_url : String | Nil)
- #store_connection_pool_size : Int32
- #store_connection_pool_size=(store_connection_pool_size : Int32)
- #store_connection_timeout : Float64
- #store_connection_timeout=(store_connection_timeout : Float64)
- #store_url : String | Nil
- #store_url=(store_url : String | Nil)
- #test?