Top Level Namespace

Included Modules

Extended Modules

Defined in:

Constant Summary

HELP = "tartrazine: a syntax highlighting tool\n\nUsage:\n tartrazine (-h, --help)\n tartrazine FILE -f html [-t theme][--standalone][--line-numbers]\n [-l lexer][-o output]\n tartrazine -f html -t theme --css\n tartrazine FILE -f terminal [-t theme][-l lexer][--line-numbers]\n [-o output]\n tartrazine FILE -f json [-o output]\n tartrazine --list-themes\n tartrazine --list-lexers\n tartrazine --list-formatters\n tartrazine --version\n\nOptions:\n -f <formatter> Format to use (html, terminal, json)\n -t <theme> Theme to use, see --list-themes [default: default-dark]\n -l <lexer> Lexer (language) to use, see --list-lexers. Use more than\n one lexer with \"+\" (e.g. jinja+yaml) [default: autodetect]\n -o <output> Output file. Default is stdout.\n --standalone Generate a standalone HTML file, which includes\n all style information. If not given, it will generate just\n a HTML fragment ready to include in your own page.\n --css Generate a CSS file for the theme called <theme>.css\n --line-numbers Include line numbers in the output\n -h, --help Show this screen\n -v, --version Show version number"

Macro Summary

Macro Detail

macro xml_to_a(node, name) #

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macro xml_to_f(node, name) #

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macro xml_to_s(node, name) #

Convenience macros to parse XML

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