Top Level Namespace

Included Modules

Extended Modules

Defined in:

Constant Summary

HELP = "Sixteen: a Tinted Themes builder\n\nIt combines a templated as defined in the Tinted Themes\nspecification with a color scheme to generate a theme file.\n\nUsage:\n sixteen (-h | --help)\n sixteen --list\n sixteen --info <scheme>\n sixteen --build <template> <scheme>\n sixteen --render <template> <scheme>\n sixteen --version\n sixteen --interactive\n\nOptions:\n -h --help Show this screen.\n --list List available schemes.\n --info Show information about a scheme.\n --build Build theme files from a tinted themes style template folder and a scheme.\n --render Render a mustache template with a scheme and\n --interactive Show an interactive menu to look at themes.\n --version Show version."