alias V4L2::Device::StandardID

Alias Definition


Defined in:


Constant Summary

ALL = 16777215_u64
ATSC = 50331648_u64
ATSC_16_VSB = 33554432_u64
ATSC_8_VSB = 16777216_u64


B = 65539_u64

Chroma "agnostic" standards

BG = 327687_u64
DK = 3277024_u64
G = 262148_u64
GH = 786444_u64
H = 524296_u64
L = 12582912_u64
MN = 46848_u64
MTS = 5888_u64

Standards where MTS/BTSC stereo could be found

NTSC = 45056_u64

"Common" NTSC/M - It should be noticed that V4L2_STD_NTSC_443 is Missing here.

NTSC_443 = 16384_u64
NTSC_M = 4096_u64
NTSC_M_JP = 8192_u64
NTSC_M_KR = 32768_u64
PAL = 255_u64

"Common" PAL - This macro is there to be compatible with the old V4L1 concept of "PAL": /BGDKHI. Several PAL standards are missing here: /M, /N and /Nc

PAL_60 = 2048_u64
PAL_B = 1_u64

one bit for each

PAL_B1 = 2_u64
PAL_BG = 7_u64

PAL macros

PAL_D = 32_u64
PAL_D1 = 64_u64
PAL_DK = 224_u64
PAL_G = 4_u64
PAL_H = 8_u64
PAL_I = 16_u64
PAL_K = 128_u64
PAL_M = 256_u64
PAL_N = 512_u64
PAL_Nc = 1024_u64
SECAM = 16711680_u64

All Secam Standards

SECAM_B = 65536_u64
SECAM_D = 131072_u64
SECAM_DK = 3276800_u64

Secam macros

SECAM_G = 262144_u64
SECAM_H = 524288_u64
SECAM_K = 1048576_u64
SECAM_K1 = 2097152_u64
SECAM_L = 4194304_u64
SECAM_LC = 8388608_u64
TV_525_60 = 63744_u64

Standards for Countries with 60Hz Line frequency

TV_625_50 = 16713471_u64

Standards for Countries with 50Hz Line frequency

UNKNOWN = 0_u64

Macros with none and all analog standards