class Clustering::Discovery

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Instance Method Summary

Constructor Detail

def : Clustering, ttl : Time::Span = 5.seconds) #

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Instance Method Detail

def [](key) #

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def []?(key) #

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def find(key : String) : URI #

Consistent hash lookup

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def find?(key : String) : URI | Nil #

Consistent hash lookup

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def last_updated : Time #

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def node_hash : Hash(String, URI) #

Returns the list of node IDs => URI mapping

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def nodes : Array(URI) #

Returns the list of node URIs from the rendezvous-hash

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def on_rebalance(&callback : RendezvousHash -> ) #

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def own_node?(key : String) : Bool #

Determine if key maps to current node

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def rebalance_callbacks : Array(RendezvousHash -> ) #

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def rendezvous : RendezvousHash #

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def uri : URI #

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