class RedisServiceManager

Defined in:

Constant Summary

Log = ::Log.for("redis-service-manager")


Instance Method Summary

Instance methods inherited from class Clustering

cluster_stable_callbacks : Array( -> ) cluster_stable_callbacks, node_hash : Hash(String, URI) node_hash, on_cluster_stable(&callback : -> ) on_cluster_stable, on_rebalance(&callback : RendezvousHash, RebalanceComplete -> ) on_rebalance, rebalance_callbacks : Array(RendezvousHash, RebalanceComplete -> ) rebalance_callbacks, register : Bool register, registered? : Bool registered?, rendezvous : RendezvousHash rendezvous, service : String service, ulid : String ulid, unregister : Bool unregister, uri : String uri, version : String version, watching? : Bool watching?

Constructor methods inherited from class Clustering

new(service : String) new

Constructor Detail

def : String, redis : String, uri : String = "", ttl : Int32 = 20) #

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def : String, redis : Redis::Client, uri : String = "", ttl : Int32 = 20, lock : Mutex = #

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Instance Method Detail

def cluster_ready? : Bool #

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def cluster_size #

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def finalize #

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def hash_key : String #

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def leader? : Bool #

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def maintain_registration #

Check if node is registered in the cluster either join cluster or maintain registration

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def node_hash : Hash(String, URI) #
Description copied from class Clustering

returns a node_id => URI mapping

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def node_info : NodeInfo #

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def node_key : String #

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def node_keys : Array(String) #

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def ready? : Bool #

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def register : Bool #
Description copied from class Clustering

registers this node with the cluster as a member

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def registered? : Bool #
Description copied from class Clustering

is this node registered as part of the cluster

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def rendezvous : RendezvousHash #
Description copied from class Clustering

returns the list of known nodes

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def ulid : String #
Description copied from class Clustering

the id of the node

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def unregister : Bool #
Description copied from class Clustering

removes this node from the cluster as a member

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def uri : String #
Description copied from class Clustering

the service uri for this host

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def watching? : Bool #
Description copied from class Clustering

is this class watching for changes to the cluster this should return true if registered returns true

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