class Clustering

Defined in:

Constant Summary

Log = ::Log.for(self)


Class Method Summary

Instance Method Summary

Constructor Detail

def : String | URI, name : String = ULID.generate, discovery : HoundDog::Discovery | Nil = nil, etcd_host : String = ENV["ETCD_HOST"]? || "localhost", etcd_port : Int32 = ENV["ETCD_PORT"]?.try(&.to_i?) || 2379) #

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Class Method Detail

def self.election_key #

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def self.meta_namespace #

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def self.readiness_key #

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def self.service_namespace #

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Instance Method Detail

def cluster_change #

Leader publishes a new version upon nodes joining/leaving the cluster

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def cluster_consistent? #

When there's an event under the readiness namespace, node creates a hash from node to version. If all the nodes are at the same version, the cluster is consistent.

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def cluster_version : String #

The version the current node is stable against

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def consume_stabilization_events #

Consume stabilization events until fiber channel empty

Ensures that the node will have only the latest version

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def discovery : HoundDog::Discovery #

Provides cluster node discovery

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def etcd_client #

Generate a new Etcd client

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def handle_readiness_event #

The leader calls the on_stable callback if...

  • cluster's version state is consistent
  • consistent state has not already been confirmed to be consistent

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def handle_version_change(value) #

Leader has published a new version to etcd

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def leader? : Bool #

Whether node is the cluster leader

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def leader_node #

Attains the current leader node

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def name(*args, **options) #

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def name(*args, **options, &) #

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def node_versions : Hash(String, String) #

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def nodes(*args, **options) #

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def nodes(*args, **options, &) #

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def retry_on_missing_lease(&) #

Retry a query if a lease is missing for at most the maximum requested lease TTL

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def service(*args, **options) #

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def service(*args, **options, &) #

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def stabilize : Array(HoundDog::Service::Node) -> Bool | Nil #

Performed to align nodes in the cluster

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def start #

Starts the node's clustering processes.

  • discovery (via hound-dog)
  • election_watcher (election event consumer)
  • readiness_watcher (cluster node version event consumer)
  • version_watcher (version change event consumer)
  • consume_stabilization_events (created by version_watcher)

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def start(on_stable : String -> Nil | Nil = nil, &stabilize : Array(HoundDog::Service::Node) -> Bool) #

Like above. Accepts a block that will be called with cluster nodes during stabilization events

If stabilize callback is true, the node is marked as ready.

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def stop #

Unregisters node from the cluster and ceases event handling

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def uri(*args, **options) #

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def uri(*args, **options, &) #

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