class Packetz::Capture


The Capture class is responsible for all of the supported capturing operations provided by LibPcap in a clean, friendly API.

Simply start a new capture object called cap, with all the defaults:

cap =

If you want to start customizing the capture object during initialization, you have a few ways to do that to change the #interface, #snapshot_length, #promiscuous_mode and #timeout_ms values of a capture.

Listen specifically on the en0 network interface:

cap ="en0")

Listen with alll the default options, but in promiscuous mode:

cap = = true)

Change the default snapshot length from 65535 to half that size.

cap = 65535/2)

Defined in:



Instance Method Summary

Constructor Detail

def : String = Packetz.interfaces.default, snapshot_length : Int32 = 65535, promiscuous_mode : Bool | Int32 = 0, timeout_ms : Int32 = 1, monitor_mode : Bool = false) #

The #initialize method takes care of setting up a new Capture object.

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Instance Method Detail

def each(&) #

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def enable_monitor_mode! #

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def immediate_mode! #

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def immediate_mode=(value : Int32) #

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def immediate_mode=(value : Bool) #

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def immediate_mode? #

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def interface : String #

Provides access to underlying interface string.

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def interface=(interface : String) #

Set the network interface to a given string.

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def microsecond_timestamp_precision! #

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def microsecond_timestamp_precision? #

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def monitor_mode : Bool #

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def monitor_mode=(value : Bool) #

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def monitor_mode? #

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def nanosecond_timestamp_precision! #

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def nanosecond_timestamp_precision? #

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def next #

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def non_blocking_mode! #

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def non_blocking_mode=(value : Int32) #

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def non_blocking_mode=(value : Bool) #

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def non_blocking_mode? #

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def promiscuous_mode #

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def promiscuous_mode! #

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def promiscuous_mode=(value : Bool) #

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def promiscuous_mode=(value : Int32) #

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def promiscuous_mode? #

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def reset! #

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def snapshot_length : Int32 #

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def snapshot_length=(value : Int32) #

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def start! #

Handles activating the actual packet capturing.

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def started? #

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def stop! #

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def stopped? #

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def supports_monitor_mode? #

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def timeout_ms : Int32 #

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def timeout_ms=(value : Int32) #

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def timestamp_precision #

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