class OpenRouter::Client
- OpenRouter::Client
- Reference
- Object
Client for the OpenRouter API
Defined in:
openrouter/client.crConstant Summary
.new(api_key : String, app_name : String | Nil = nil, app_url : String | Nil = nil)
Initialize a new OpenRouter::Client
Instance Method Summary
- #api_key : String
- #api_key=(api_key : String)
#app_name : String | Nil
It tells OpenRouter which app is using the API see #app_url
#app_name=(app_name : String | Nil)
It tells OpenRouter which app is using the API see #app_url
#app_url : String | Nil
Together with #app_name it tells OpenRouter which app is using the API
#app_url=(app_url : String | Nil)
Together with #app_name it tells OpenRouter which app is using the API
#complete(prompt : String, model : String) : Response
Send a completion request for a text prompt using the specified model
#complete(request : CompletionRequest) : Response
Send a completion request using the specified CompletionRequest object
#get(endpoint : String) : JSON::Any
Get a specific endpoint
#get_models : Array(Model)
Returns an array of Model structs representing the available models currently supported by OpenRouter
#post(endpoint : String, body : String | Nil) : JSON::Any
Post to a specific endpoint
Constructor Detail
Initialize a new OpenRouter::Client
The api_key is generally required to use the API (though an invalid key seems to allow querying for models.) app_name and app_url are optional and tell OpenRouter about your application.
Instance Method Detail
It tells OpenRouter which app is using the API see #app_url
Together with #app_name it tells OpenRouter which app is using the API
Send a completion request for a text prompt using the specified model
Send a completion request using the specified CompletionRequest object
Get a specific endpoint
This is a low-level method that is available for edge cases.
Returns an array of Model structs representing the available models currently supported by OpenRouter
Post to a specific endpoint
This is a low-level method that is available for edge cases.