class LSProtocol::CompletionListCapabilities


The client supports the following CompletionList specific capabilities.

@since 3.17.0

Included Modules

Defined in:



Instance Method Summary

Constructor Detail

def : JSON::PullParser) #

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def : Bool | Nil = nil, item_defaults : Array(String) | Nil = nil) #

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Instance Method Detail

def apply_kind_support : Bool | Nil #

Specifies whether the client supports CompletionList.applyKind to indicate how supported values from completionList.itemDefaults and completion will be combined.

If a client supports applyKind it must support it for all fields that it supports that are listed in CompletionList.applyKind. This means when clients add support for new/future fields in completion items the MUST also support merge for them if those fields are defined in CompletionList.applyKind.

@since 3.18.0

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def item_defaults : Array(String) | Nil #

The client supports the following itemDefaults on a completion list.

The value lists the supported property names of the CompletionList.itemDefaults object. If omitted no properties are supported.

@since 3.17.0

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