Parameter Store Executor

Fetches parameters recursively at PARAMETER_PATHs from AWS SSM Parameter Store.
Then executes CMD with the parameters transformed into ENV variables.

The parameter names will be transformed as:

Conflicting parameters will resolve to the value of the last one found. Any existing ENV variables (unless --clean-env is specified) will be passed along and takes precedence over parameters with the same name - to allow overriding specific parameters (e.g in development environment).

Given the following parameters:
| name      | value |
| /one/test | 1     |
| /two/test | 2     |

When requesting: [/, /one, /two]

Then the following ENV variables will be available:
| name     | value |
| ONE_TEST | 1     |
| TWO_TEST | 2     |
| TEST     | 2     |


Build from source

  1. Clone the repo
  2. Run shards build
  3. Copy the executable found at ./bin/pse to a location in your $PATH

Released binary

Download the desired version from the releases page.


When started, the tool will try to detect your current AWS credentials in the following order:

  1. From ENV variables
  2. From ~/.aws/credentials
  3. From the instance metadata service (useful on EC2 instances)

Basic command line usage

pse /path/to/parameters -- env

Use the --help option for further information on how to invoke the tool.

With Docker

Install the binary release from GitHub

FROM alpine

# install a specific binary release
ARG pse_version=latest
ADD${pse_version}/pse /
# -- or --
# use the latest released version

Install the binary release from Docker Hub

The binary release is additionally pushed to Docker Hub and may be installed using a multi-stage docker build like so:

# install a specific binary release
FROM neochrome/parameter-store-executor:0.2.0 as release
# -- or --
# use the latest version
FROM neochrome/parameter-store-executor:latest as release

COPY --from=release /pse /


The tool may be specified as the ENTRYPOINT of a docker image to allow for easy use of AWS SSM Parameter Store parameters with your application:

FROM alpine

# install the binary release using one of the methods above

# make the binary executable
RUN chmod +x /pse

# specify AWS_REGION unless passed from outside your container
ENV AWS_REGION=eu-west-1

# use an ENV var to specify the parameter(s) to use
# -- or --
# specify the parameter(s) directly in the ENTRYPOINT
# and optionally use CMD
ENTRYPOINT [ "/pse", "/some/path", "--" ]
CMD ["env"]


  1. Fork it (
  2. Create your feature branch (git checkout -b my-new-feature)
  3. Commit your changes (git commit -am 'Add some feature')
  4. Push to the branch (git push origin my-new-feature)
  5. Create a new Pull Request


To cut a new release, push a tag with the new (semver) version, e.g: v1.2.3. The tag should refer to a commit that has the shard.yml version and ./src/ updated with the new version. The script ./scripts/version synchronizes this and also perform some checks:

  1. Detect uncommitted changes
  2. Check code formatting
  3. Passing tests
  4. Sanity check the new version