module Optimist

Defined in:

Constant Summary

FLOAT_RE = /^-?((\d+(\.\d+)?)|(\.\d+))([eE][-+]?[\d]+)?$/

Regex for floating point numbers

INT_RE = /^-?[\d_]+$/

Regex for integer numbers

PARAM_RE = /^-(-|\.$|[^\d\.])/

Regex for parameters

VERSION = "0.1.0"

Class Method Summary

Class Method Detail

def self.die(arg, msg = nil, error_code = nil, stderr : IO = STDERR) #

Informs the user that their usage of arg was wrong, as detailed by msg, and dies. Example:

options do
  opt :volume, default: 0.0

die :volume, "too loud" if opts["volume"].value > 10.0
die :volume, "too soft" if opts["volume"].value < 0.1

In the one-argument case, simply print that message, a notice about -h, and die. Example:

options do
  opt :whatever # ...

Optimist.die "need at least one filename" if ARGV.empty?

An exit code can be provided if needed

Optimist.die "need at least one filename", -2 if ARGV.empty?

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def self.disable_exit #

Disable real system exit at the class level

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def self.educate(stream : IO = STDOUT) #

Displays the help message and dies. Example:

options do
  opt :volume, default: 0.0
  banner <<-EOS
       #{PROGRAM_NAME} [options] <name>
where [options] are:

Optimist.educate if ARGV.empty?

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def self.enable_exit #

Enable real system exit at the class level

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def self.options(args : Array(String) = ARGV, stdout : IO = STDOUT, stderr : IO = STDERR, **kwargs, &) #

The easy, syntactic-sugary entry method into Optimist. Creates a Parser, passes the block to it, then parses args with it, handling any errors or requests for help or version information appropriately (and then exiting). Modifies args in place. Returns a hash of option values.

The block passed in should contain zero or more calls to opt (Parser.opt), zero or more calls to banner (Parser.banner), and probably a call to version (Parser.version).

The returned block contains a value for every option specified with opt. The value will be the value given on the commandline, or the default value if the option was not specified on the commandline. For every option specified on the commandline, a boolean property named given? will be set to true/false.


require "optimist"
opts = Optimist.options do
  opt :monkey, "Use monkey mode"                 # a flag --monkey, defaulting to false
  opt :name, "Monkey name", cls: StringOpt       # a string --name < s>, defaulting to nil
  opt :num_limbs, "Number of limbs", default: 4  # an integer --num-limbs < i>, defaulting to 4

# if called with no arguments
p opts # => {:monkey=>false, :name=>nil, :num_limbs=>4, :help=>false}

# if called with --monkey
p opts # => {:monkey=>true, :name=>nil, :num_limbs=>4, :help=>false, :monkey_given=>true}


Optimist.options and accept keyword args to control how options are interpreted, e.g:.

opts = Optimist.options(args: ARGV, inexact_match: true) do
  opt :foobar, "messed up"
  opt :forget, "forget it"

Keyword arguments include:

  • exact_match : If false, allows a minimum unambigous number of characters to match a long option. If true, requires all characters of the long option to be give. Defaults to false.
  • suggestions : If true, enables suggestions when unknown arguments are given. Defaults to true.
  • explicit_short_options : If true, Short options will only be created where explicitly defined. If you do not like short-options, this will prevent having to define short: false for all of your options. Defaults to false.

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def self.with_standard_exception_handling(parser : Parser, stdout : IO = STDOUT, stderr : IO = STDERR, &) #

If Optimist.options doesn't do quite what you want, you can create a Parser object and call Parser#parse on it. That method will throw CommandlineError, HelpNeeded and VersionNeeded exceptions when necessary; if you want to have these handled for you in the standard manner (e.g. show the help and then exit upon an HelpNeeded exception), call your code from within a block passed to this method.

Note that this method will raise SystemExit after handling an exception!

Usage example:

require "optimist"
par = do
  opt :monkey, "Use monkey mode"               # a flag --monkey, defaulting to false
  opt :goat, "Use goat mode", default: true    # a flag --goat, defaulting to true

opts = Optimist.with_standard_exception_handling par do
  o = par.parse ARGV
  raise if ARGV.empty? # show help screen

Requires passing in the parser object.

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