class Mosquito::TestBackend


An in-memory noop backend desigend to be used in application testing.

The test mode backend simply makes a copy of job_runs at enqueue time and holds them in a class getter array.

Job run id, config (aka parameters), and runtime class are kept in memory, and a truncate utility function is provided.

Activate test mode configure the test backend like this:

Mosquito.configure do |settings|
  settings.backend = Mosquito::TestBackend

Then in your tests:

describe "testing" do
  it "enqueues the job" do
    # build and enqueue a job
    job_run = "hello world").enqueue

    # assert that the job was enqueued
    lastest_enqueued_job = Mosquito::TestBackend.enqueued_jobs.last

    # check the job config
    assert_equal "hello world", latest_enqueued_job.config["text"]

    # check the job_id matches

    # optionally, truncate the history

Extended Modules

Defined in:


Class Method Summary

Instance Method Summary

Instance methods inherited from class Mosquito::Backend

build_key(*parts) build_key, dead_q dead_q, delete(key : String, in ttl = 0) : Nil delete, dequeue : JobRun | Nil dequeue, deschedule : Array(JobRun) deschedule, dump_dead_q : Array(String) dump_dead_q, dump_pending_q : Array(String) dump_pending_q, dump_scheduled_q : Array(String) dump_scheduled_q, dump_waiting_q : Array(String) dump_waiting_q, enqueue(job_run : JobRun) : JobRun enqueue, expires_in(key : String) : Int64 expires_in, finish(job_run : JobRun) finish, flush : Nil flush, pending_q pending_q, retrieve(key : String) : Hash(String, String) retrieve, schedule(job_run : JobRun, at scheduled_time : Time) : JobRun schedule, scheduled_job_run_time(job_run : JobRun) : String | Nil scheduled_job_run_time, scheduled_q scheduled_q, size(include_dead : Bool = true) : Int64 size, store(key : String, value : Hash(String, String)) : Nil store, terminate(job_run : JobRun) terminate, waiting_q waiting_q

Constructor methods inherited from class Mosquito::Backend

new(name : String | Symbol) new

Class methods inherited from class Mosquito::Backend

build_key(*parts) build_key, named(name) named, search_queues search_queues

Class Method Detail

def self.delete(key : String, in ttl : Int64 = 0) : Nil #

[View source]
def self.delete(key : String, in ttl : Time::Span) : Nil #

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def self.enqueued_jobs #

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def self.enqueued_jobs=(enqueued_jobs : Array(Mosquito::TestBackend::EnqueuedJob)) #

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def self.expires_in(key : String) : Int64 #

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def self.flush : Nil #

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def self.flush_enqueued_jobs! #

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def self.get(key : String, field : String) : String | Nil #

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def self.increment(key : String, field : String, by value : Int32) : Int64 #

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def self.increment(key : String, field : String) : Int64 #

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def self.list_queues : Array(String) #

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def self.list_runners : Array(String) #

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def self.lock?(key : String, value : String, ttl : Time::Span) : Bool #

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def self.retrieve(key : String) : Hash(String, String) #

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def self.set(key : String, field : String, value : String) : String #

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def : String, value : Hash(String, String)) : Nil #

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def self.unlock(key : String, value : String) : Nil #

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Instance Method Detail

def dequeue : JobRun | Nil #

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def deschedule : Array(JobRun) #

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def dump_dead_q : Array(String) #

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def dump_pending_q : Array(String) #

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def dump_scheduled_q : Array(String) #

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def dump_waiting_q : Array(String) #

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def enqueue(job_run : JobRun) : JobRun #
Description copied from class Mosquito::Backend


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def finish(job_run : JobRun) #

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def flush : Nil #

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def schedule(job_run : JobRun, at scheduled_time : Time) : JobRun #

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def scheduled_job_run_time(job_run : JobRun) : String | Nil #

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def size(include_dead : Bool = true) : Int64 #

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def terminate(job_run : JobRun) #

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