class Miner::Query


This class creates query objects, which will later be compiled into SQL statements by the query builder

Defined in:



Instance Method Summary

Constructor Detail

def : Table | String, database : Miner::Database = Miner.default_database) #

Create a new query

Queries can be created by passing a table name, or an instance of Miner::Table

# With a table name
query = "countries"

# With a Miner::Table instance
table = "countries"
query = table

By default, queries are executed against the database defined in Miner.default_database. This can be overridden by passing an instance of Miner::Database as a second parameter

config ={
  "name"     => "my_other_database",
  "username" => "my_user",
  "password" => "my_password"
database = config
query = "my_table"

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Instance Method Detail

def clauses : Hash(String, Array({String, Array(Bool | Float32 | Float64 | Int16 | Int32 | Int64 | Int8 | Miner::Collection | Miner::Model | String | Time | Nil) | Bool | Float32 | Float64 | Int16 | Int32 | Int64 | Int8 | Miner::Collection | Miner::Model | Miner::Query | String | Time | Nil, String, Array(Bool | Float32 | Float64 | Int16 | Int32 | Int64 | Int8 | Miner::Collection | Miner::Model | String | Time | Nil) | Bool | Float32 | Float64 | Int16 | Int32 | Int64 | Int8 | Miner::Collection | Miner::Model | Miner::Query | String | Time | Nil})) #

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def compile : String | Nil #

Compile the query, and store the compiled SQL statement

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def compiled : Bool #

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def database : Miner::Database #

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def delete : self #

Set the query type to delete, and execute the query

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def execute : Boolean #

Execute the query

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def fetch : Collection | Nil #

Execute the query, and return the result set

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def fields : Array(String) #

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def from(table : Table | String) : self #

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def group_by(*fields : String) : self #

Set the group fields for the query

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def having(column : Value, operator : String, value : Value) : self #

Add a HAVING clause to the query, with AND as a delimiter

query ="city")
  .having("country_id", "=", 12)
  .having("population", ">=", 4000)

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def insert(values : Hash(String, Value)) : self #

Set the query type to insert, set the insert values, and execute the query

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def join(table : Table | String, type : JoinType = JoinType::Left) : Query #

Add a join to the query

Joins can be defined using a table name

query ="city")
  .join "country"

or an instance of Miner::Table

query ="city")

Accessing parent fields

When specifying ON clauses for a join, fields on the parent table can be accessed using the #parent keyword

query ="city")
    .on("id", "=", "parent.country_id")

Join Types

The join type can be specified by passing a member of Miner::Query::JoinType as the second argument

query ="city")
  .join "country", Miner::Query::JoinType::Right


Joins return a new instance of Miner::Query, and can be nested indefinitely

query ="city")
    .on("id", "=", "parent.country_id")
      .on("country_id", "=", "")

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def join_type : Miner::Query::JoinType? #

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def join_type=(join_type : JoinType) #

Sets the join type for a child query

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def join_type=(join_type : Miner::Query::JoinType | Nil) #

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def joins : Array(Miner::Query) #

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def on(column : Value, operator : String, value : Value) : self #

Add an ON clause to the query, with AND as a delimiter

query ="city")
    .on("id", "=", "parent.country_id")
    .on("population", ">=", 4000)

An exception is raised if an on clause is applied to a query which is not a join

query ="city")
  .on("id", "=", 12) # Raises an exception

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def or_having(column : Value, operator : String, value : Value) : self #

Add a HAVING clause to the query, with OR as a delimiter

query ="city")
  .having("country_id", "=", 12)
  .or_having("population", ">=", 4000)

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def or_on(column : Value, operator : String, value : Value) : self #

Add an ON clause to the query, with AND as a delimiter

query ="city")
    .on("id", "=", "parent.country_id")
    .or_on("population", ">=", 4000)

An exception is raised if an on clause is applied to a query which is not a join

query ="city")
  .on("id", "=", 12) # Raises an exception
  .or_on("population", ">=", 4000)

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def or_where(column : Value, operator : String, value : Value) : self #

Add a WHERE clause to the query, with OR as a delimiter

query ="city")
  .where("country_id", "=", 12)
  .or_where("population", ">=", 4000)

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def order_by(field : String, direction : Sort = Sort::Asc) : self #

Set the order fields for the query

query ="countries")

The sort direction can be specified by passing a member of Miner::Query::Sort as a second argument

query ="countries")
  .order_by("name", Miner::Query::Sort::Desc)

Multiple fields can be specified by chaining the method

query ="countries")
  .order_by("language", Miner::Query::Sort::Asc)
  .order_by("name", Miner::Query::Sort::Asc)

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def order_by(*fields : String | Tuple(String, Sort)) : self #

A shorthand for setting multiple sort fields at once

query ="countries")
  .order_by("name", "language")

The sort direction can be specified by passing tuples containing the field name and a member of Miner::Query::Sort

query ="countries")
    {"name", Miner::Query::Sort::Desc},
    {"language", Miner::Query::Sort::Asc}

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def parent : Miner::Query? #

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def parent=(parent : Query) #

Set a parent query for subqueries and joins

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def parent=(parent : Nil | Miner::Query) #

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def select(*fields : String) : self #

Set the query type to select, and set the fields to be selected

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def sql : String? #

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def table : Miner::Table #

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def type : Miner::Query::Type #

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def type=(type : Type) #

Sets the type for the query

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def update(values : Hash(String, Value)) : self #

Set the query type to update, set the update values, and execute the query

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def values : Hash(String, Array(Bool | Float32 | Float64 | Int16 | Int32 | Int64 | Int8 | Miner::Collection | Miner::Model | String | Time | Nil) | Bool | Float32 | Float64 | Int16 | Int32 | Int64 | Int8 | Miner::Collection | Miner::Model | Miner::Query | String | Time | Nil)? #

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def where(column : Value, operator : String, value : Value) : self #

Add a WHERE clause to the query, with AND as a delimiter

query ="city")
  .where("country_id", "=", 12)
  .where("population", ">=", 4000)

Sub-queries can be passed into where clauses by creating a new instance of Miner::Query

query ="city")
  .where("country_id", "IN","country"))
    .where("language", "=", "British")

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